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  1. Exactly cuz great DEs are just hanging around waiting for a call. WTF are we thinking
  2. South Sudan absolutely should have won that game. Team USAs defense needs serious work
  3. Just hoping for a little improvement but not expecting a lot to be honest
  4. Phantom Zone last I saw
  5. I doubt anyone here cares but they also stream a lot of Premier League soccer matches on Peacock It is a pretty great deal. Thanks for posting OP SNF schedule here: https://www.peacocktv.com/sports/nfl
  6. Probably doesn’t make the final cuts
  7. Julius Peppers was the best (and probably easiest) draft pick this franchise ever made. What a great person this man is as well. One of the best to do it
  8. I must have been watching another team. The OL last season almost got Bryce killed
  9. He reportedly wanted 30per settling at 25 isn’t terrible. Miles is a great player and glad the player is back. Hopefully he has learned from his horrible mistakes and improves as a person.
  10. I think we should absolutely bring him back. Hopefully he can be realistic on the money. Before this horrible thing he did he was a fringe all star player. Also, outside of the suspension he plays. He hasn’t been injured much. I keep him. This dude has had 40+ pt games and can play 3 or 4.
  11. Nice career Kemba. Enjoy the good times
  12. I would guess fans want more of a splash move in free agency. I like the move but it’s fairly clear that we aren’t a desired destination for better FAs
  13. I will go with 8-9, I think Bryce will be much improved with the new weapons. Still a ways to go talent wise on the team though
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