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top dawg

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Everything posted by top dawg

  1. By whom? Are you lying once again, Scot?
  2. Well, I think you need one. The Carr watch thread is prime evidence.
  3. Moreover, just because I have the intellect to get back at your not-so-clever schemes to manipulate doesn't mean I'm popping a blood vessel. I'm just popping the bubbles of hot air arising from your innards.
  4. You can try and manipulate my words if you like. It's not about my words, but it's about either your lying spirit, or your lack of understanding (or your feigning of a lack of understanding), basically your dumbassery.
  5. That's stupid too. I'm sure I'm not the only one tired of your stale and "silly" responses. Try being more original with your wannabe manipulative histrionics.
  6. You're a mental midget, and a liar. I'm not playing your games anymore. You got the L, and everyone knows it.
  7. The ESPN Ravens reporter said that anything can happen, bit he believes that the Ravens will use the exclusive tag in order to have more control as far as compensation is concerned. He doesn't believe that two firsts are necessarily enough.
  8. I mean, I understand what you're saying, and I agree with it the large majority of time. But, if they believe there is a legit long term answer at QB, well... I'm not saying that I believe it, but I don't have years of scouting and coaching experience like this staff. If they do it, I'll have to believe that they're right (until they're not). See, sometimes what makes sense most of the time, doesn't make sense all the time. They had just better be right.
  9. Well, with just average QB play (at least the average NFL scoring last season which I believe was 21 points), the Jets would have have been 12-5 as opposed to 7-10. But, to make a long story short, the Jets have a talented team on both sides of the ball, and they're only lacking a QB. That's the belief by many. I'd say that he probably has 2 good years left (maybe more). Remember that he played hurt last season, but he can still sling the rock. The tweet was more directed toward Scot's bullshit (if you missed it).
  10. First, he tried to insinuate that I said that the Jets had no interest, then he said I said what Carr is thinking. Two lies. Don't bring none if you don't want none!
  11. Guess what, guys? It's being reported that the Jets are waiting on Rodgers. Ain't that a fuging trip? But it's only Dianna Russini.
  12. First off I never said I knew what Carr was thinking. Are you daft? I said in a sense Carr is being subjected to what other teams are thinking, specifically in this case the Jets. So that's a damn strawman if I've ever seem it. Either that, or you don't understand the art of language. Stop spreading lies, Scot. You're full of poo! Secondly, believe Bill Plaschke all you want. Some Raiders fans don't even like him. You know who they do like? Honddo. I am not going to let you get away with trying to impugn Hondo's report or defile his reputation. Just because you don't know who he is doesn't mean poo. But you believe what you want to. Not only did Hondo says it's bullshit, but Ian Rappaport did as well. Funny how you keep ignoring who is probably the premiere NFL insider. https://www.si.com/nfl/raiders/author/hondo-s-carpenter-sr
  13. And furthermore, don't be a hypocrite. You had a problem with Hondo and Rappaport reporting that the Mark-Davis-is-broke narrative was bullshit. You pick and choose what you want to believe even if the story doesn't make sense at all.
  14. IDGAF what Carr is thinking, or you for that matter. I listen to people who know more than you, some of them being former execs---including GMs---all day long. This isn't rocket science. Most people think the Jets won't move until they at least know what's going to go on with Rodgers. Moreover, as I've already stated, there are people who know the Jets way more than you do who think that they'll make a play for Jackson as well. They can't do these things if they sign Carr to a contract to early. If you can't understand such simple strategy, I don't know what to tell you. A child can understand that line of thinking.
  15. Yeah, everyone knows you're the resident know-it-all to the point where you think every opinion but yours is "silly." How's that for a translation?
  16. I didn't say they weren't interested in him, Sherlock. They're more interested to see if Rodgers or Jackson will actually be options. Duh!
  17. Yeah, I feel ya. I act like an ass sometimes, but mostly when provoked. We're just a bunch of fans giving our opinion. Sure, sometimes all I go on us feeling, but most of the time I invoke human nature, stats where necessary, facts, and perspectives from simply listening to ESPN radio a good part of the day. I'm also as old as Scot, and I've watched football since I was 4. I really started paying attention religiously since I was 9. I don't know it all, but I know what I know. Most of the time, there is a rational counterpoint pertaining to opinions on players. Sometimes people come out the sides of their neck with some bullshit, but football message boards are here for reasonable debate. Obviously Carr is going to bring a dichotomy of opinions, but I think that most people will admit that they'd rather have A-Rod or Lamar Jackson if they could work that out, especially a team with their ducks oresumablt in a row like the Jets. Plus, Woody Johnson loves making a splash according to Greeny.
  18. This is more about what the teams are thinking, and the fact that you didn't get that makes you look kinda silly.
  19. This is a football message board. They aren't asking for anyone's evaluation. Why state the obvious? You can talk about the Jets and Saints all you like. If you offer a QB an I-want-you-right-now type of contract, they're going to take it. There are too many (or two many) dominoes left to fall right now to be giving Derek Carr a big ass contract.
  20. Smart teams aren't going to sign Carr right away unless he comes really cheap (which he likely ain't trying to hear). In that sense, he's not taking his time, he's being subjected to other people's time.
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