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About Jmac

  • Birthday 02/10/1957

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  1. Oline and Dline are the keys to building a great team. Without that, you aren't winning shat. Eagles have both.
  2. I'm a billionaire and that guy in red is just a millionaire....need to up my game...
  3. I thought it was great....had my ear Buds in the whole halftime listening to something else.
  4. Defense top priority (Dline and edge), WR and Oline, then RB
  5. Always pick at least one quality Oline player every draft.
  6. I know a guy who is 340+. He can't touch his toes or walk up a hill. Without athletic ability, it doesn't mean sh#t.
  7. Texans are a better football team.
  8. Darnold doing Darnold things.... I was hoping his success was legit.
  9. Mason and Abdul may very well be gone by 8. Would you pull the trigger on Williams if both are gone?
  10. The two bulls that they signed on the Offense line and Dan Morgan deserve the credit. Dave Canales also was a very big part of the transition for Young.... good job
  11. I honestly couldn't name but a handfull of guys that played on defense this season. He had to scrape together practice squad guys and JAG's to even field enough guys to play. I'm not crazy about the 3-4 scheme as it is, but having to start that bunch was awfull. Continuity is a good thing. Give him a chance with some healthy players and a bunch of draft picks and see what he can do. I wouldn't have objected to grabbing Saleh's either as the guy, but if Dave and Dan want to give Evero another shot with a full revamp, then I'm good with it. He has one more season to prove he has what it takes in Carolina.
  12. Grab a rookie in the middle to later rounds and coach him up. We should never ignore the Oline again
  13. Bryce having more then one second to do his thing is one of the biggest factors in his improvement. Always draft at least one Olineman in every draft.
  14. Let it play out. He may jump ship if a better offer comes along. Anything is possible at this point.
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