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About Jmac

  • Birthday 02/10/1957

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  1. If he sheetz the bed early, on are you willing to give the benefit of the doubt, or not. 6 games....half a season.....the entire season? Will the coach have his back or pull the rug out?
  2. Just a matter of time till' he gets pancaked and injured. He has been lucky so far.
  3. NFL starter no, 2nd or 3rd string possibly. Not a franchise QB by a long shot. All the pre-season hype is all BS. "He is what he is"
  4. Don't let the door hit you in the arse Eddie
  5. Don't think he is a franchise QB. A dink and dunk "game manager" type. He needs a good running game behind him. Thats his ceiling I believe. He has a very limited set of physical tools to work with. Sorry, but true.
  6. If your gonna have a game manager instead of a franchise QB, you better have a stout running game. I don't think Bryce is a franchise QB. I hope I'm wrong, but I think that is going to be their bread and butter. Passing plays under 25 yards and possession type football. The long ball isn't in the cards. Run first to set up the pass.
  7. He is not a franchise QB. Doesn't have the tools. Some things can't be taught. Without the natural ability (arm strength and size), puts him behind the eight ball to begin with. He can improve to some extent and probably will over time. A mid tier QB at best.
  8. Almost 500 bills to get season ticket.....no thanks. I will watch whatever is on that week and catch the highlights later.
  9. I was hoping the Canes would provide a ray of hope after dealing with the shite Panthers last year. Obviously, wasn't meant to be.
  10. Probably wants to much $$$. They may wait untill cuts to add a corner....but who really knows. They could sign him tomorrow.
  11. His last big haul before retirement.....can't say I blame him
  12. If Horn goes down, what are they going to do. If history is any indicator, then it will be sooner then later. They took a flyer in the draft and now what. The kid they drafted isn't the answer. Wait around for cuts and find JAG's to get burned like toast? I know Gillmore is no spring chicken, but at least he is a vet with experience to get us through the season. They can't go in to 2024. Something has to give. Obviously the lack of pass rush will only make it worse...... Answers??
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