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About FutureDynasty

  • Birthday 08/25/1984

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  1. The Al Wallace disrespect in this thread is CRAZY.
  2. Man I want Morgan to succeed here so bad. He definitely loves the team and you can tell this is his dream job, not a ton of people we can say that about right now. I miss being excited about the team. If the script writers are reading this, A Dan Morgan/Bryce Young redemption year seems like a pretty good storyline
  3. That sounds like an amazing night! Brooks is my favorite pick of this draft. Getting the best player at their position in the second round AND getting back next years 2nd round pick is one hell of a 2nd round for Dan Morgan as a GM.
  4. Watching these teams panic pick DTs and CBs is pretty entertaining.
  5. I'd rather them just get rid of it and the ball get spotted at the 20, than this. This sucks.
  6. Yeah it was the one on Independence that had the horns coming out of the sign.
  7. Love this. Peppers is IMO the best player to ever play here so far. I was so upset when the Panthers let him walk out the door, for nothing. Eerily similar situation going on now with Burns. Although Burns isn't anywhere near the same level as Pep. On a side note, it's really awesome to see Patrick Willis get in relatively quickly. He was the best at his position when he played and then passed the torch to Luke. Their careers are really similar, both played 8 seasons, stats are really close. Willis leads in solo tackles by 42 and sacks by 8. Luke accounted for 25 turnovers (FF/INT) to Willis' 24. Bodes well for Luke, he is eligible next year but I doubt he gets first ballot like Peppers.
  8. Pretty embarrassing that a multi-billion dollar company can't get their audio right. this team is bad at everything they do.
  9. Dude assaulted a fan in an NFL facility while at work. Seems pretty cut and dry to me.
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