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  1. To my untrained eye Bryce looks exactly the same as last year. Yeah these are short clips but what I see is that his demeanor is the same (out there just to be out there). Is it "normal" for QBs to practice that way? I'm from the philosophy that how you practice is how you show up when it's time to perform.
  2. No worries, no offense taken. I never knew that about the Stephon character but it makes sense. I’m something of a 90s kid myself.
  3. I was just saying Steve in general, but you're right it was technically Stephon.
  4. Hope he balls out so that we can change the narrative surrounding his size. until then, I’m 5’10 170lbs and look bigger than him.
  5. y'all the Steve Urkel references are spot on. after Bryce throws a pick six: "did I do thaaaat?" fans: YES
  6. Depends on what “break out” means. Based on what I saw last year, a breakout year for Bryce would be 3000 yards passing, 20TD, 10INT, 6 RTD, 25 sacks.
  7. I'm sure that'll help the o-line as well if it doesn't improve from last year.
  8. I've always seen him more of a James Anderson type more than the TD replacement he was touted to be when drafted.
  9. medium risk high reward kind of thing. just sign him if it makes sense. Would love to have him back (should've never left in the first place.)
  10. The last 2020 first rounder we got from the Jags didn't turn out too well. Chaisson might end up being the same.
  11. Sure made a lot of assumptions about me. Don’t know what I said that personally attacked you.
  12. One proved himself year one and carried the team his entire career, and is said to only have one good year, selfish, a $cam, etc. The other is still considered an “unknown” after putting up a Jimmy Clausen performance in year one, team is blamed for his poor performance, and is said to be a great football player because his dad is some kind of therapist.
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