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Everything posted by Growl

  1. I hope Flowers doesn't have too big a week. He's one of the only OT prospects I was reasonably confident could be a target for us.
  2. Well remember that Cam is a scumbag who did very bad things as a 19 year old and Richardson isnt building a roster of no gosh darn thugs especially after that thing that happened like 20 years ago. what do you mean Cam Newton is on the team
  3. seriously lol at the notion that X player equals Y player because Z. what a simpleton/stupid/strawman argument.
  4. Same people arguing for him are probably the same people who were clamoring for Cam Newton and Dez Bryant Some reals fountains of football wisdom there huh wait
  5. What is the point of taking last year's money back? He didnt choose to not play football, and it doesnt benefit us in any way other than give ole Jerry some extra gas money. For a guy who is indisputably legally innocent, there sure seem to be a lot of stipulations for him to "prove" himself or whatever.
  6. It sounds like he's saying they fired him or something akin to that.
  7. lol yes the League clearly has no concern for the general public's perception of them, TRG, theyve so proven this time and again, why youre quite right.
  8. I'm speaking more to Roger deciding whose guilty and whose innocent rather than the justice system for no other reason to protect himself and frankly the first day of the draft is like waiting for my birthday right now because the wave of hate that man is going to receive the instant his leather loafers graze the stage is going to be like a tidal wave of comedy. usually i start to feel bad for him after the 20th pick or so, but i dont think i will this year. Boo on, gents.
  9. oh hey you're alive i thought you ended it all after your boy blew the biggest game in professional sports
  10. if Roger oversteps the US justice system in his desperate attempt to save face then for starters Im just going to laugh at the backlash he receives, and then secondly im going to demand he's fired.
  11. I think the real question on everyone's mind is when is the Kraken going to log back into the Huddle
  12. If Gettleman is a man that will punish innocent players just because they dared to be associated with something that tarnishes our "great" image then he certainly isn't the kind if man I want running this team.
  13. If this is the way the NFL works now then we would have to be dummies not to employ various female double agents to go out and accuse random Falcon, Buccaneer, and Saints players of hitting them. Huge black eye on this team for not standing by their guy.
  14. HAHAHAHAHAHA... Gradual decline into tears
  15. It depends on what you define as "the wrong way." Am I endorsing cheating? No, this isnt what I'm suggesting. But if you think relegating yourself to constructing a team built out of only glorious knights who have never fallen down is somehow the "right" way, then lol at you and everyone else who proudly flies the "LOSING WITH DIGNITY" banner. Here in Pantherland, we punish players who taint "the image" whether theyre guilty or not.
  16. doing it the right way has netted the Panthers 0 championships and the Patriots, in contrast, 4.
  17. This isnt a case of winning versus ethics It's a case of winning versus the way the Panthers look big difference.
  18. It isn't as if we've got a 10 year player in CJ either. This puts in a predicament in both the immediate and far future. Of course I didn't expect us to bring him back, but it is rather embarrassing that we as a franchise can't stand by our guy.
  19. We sure did put up some magical numbers against five of the worst teams in the league. This isn't suprising at all. But anybody who thinks we're better off without one of the league's best defensive players is kidding themselves
  20. Why is this thread so popular? It's cropped up like 7 times and it's the same answer every time. Cam. Luke is a MLB. Let him walk and you can find another in the 4th round of the draft. Let Cam go and you spent the next four years trying to get a replacement. Dumb question.
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