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Everything posted by Alemanders

  1. If those penalties offset, how did AZ get 10 yards added?
  2. seems like the NFL is coming after streams. All the ones i watch keep getting disconnected.
  3. i swear its become a fuging chore to watch this team
  4. Im just going to pretend buffalo is carolina this year.
  5. Seriously, genuinely surprised when I saw that. People have gotten so divided they just let they "sides" party get away with whatever.
  6. How is this such a good game lol
  7. Dallas is playing hard rn. Wish we could do this.
  8. goddamn baker. I really wanted to like the dude, but he looks like ass.
  9. Man if you squint and mute the TV, you'd think you're watching prime year panthers. Sigh
  10. fug this fuging team. Fug rhule fug tepper absolutely done. Cant believe the stupid fugers get paid to be this poo.
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