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Status Updates posted by Jangler

  1. this is the message I keep getting: "Video requested was not found. Please make sure you entered a valid video link . Try again." some vids are like that and I don't know why.

  2. I swear I could post a story that NASA proved the Earth is a cube and they would argue that it is a pyramid hanging at the end of a string off of a fishing pole.

  3. First Copy and Paste JD17s name, then go to User CP and then down to ignore list and put his name in da box and BAM! Ignored!!!

  4. Did you know there is a cool people forum on this site?!

  5. rep when it comes back!

  6. you have to post to get sum, biatch

  7. yeah, I was going to keep an eye on that number.

  8. The new pic in my sig is from the match.

  9. what happened to your swag? part two.

  10. Yeah, hidden and some how Sultan was invited!

  11. Damn I just saw that retort post what an ass...

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