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the butch

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Everything posted by the butch

  1. this x1000. Previous regimes have been unwelcome to change. Hopefully they see that these two guys should be given a legitimate shot at the 53.
  2. Our best set of receivers was out, so the fact that our WR looked bad doesn't surprise me. It's nice to see that despite our poor WR corps, we can still run the ball effectively. Man, would could have been . . . . ughhhhhh
  3. Shula over Chud? Lol. I see the Huddle is in preseason form, too.
  4. Is there some announcer joke I missed? Yall know who these guys are, right?
  5. In the year he was with us before, Ginn dropped PLENTY of those kinds of balls in games. So frustrating that we could have that speed and not be able to capitalize on it. Hopefully this will continue, and Ginn can make a name for himself as a receiver and not just a return man. Notice that Josh still goes after the strip once in Ginn's grasp (textbook), but Ginn does an excellent job of holding onto it with his other hand. Glad to see Ginn can catch those over the shoulder lobs without letting it pass right through his hands.
  6. Dickson got dem Stephen Hill eyes. Edit: great info! man, has this site grown.
  7. If he can catch out of the backfield, block, and maybe throw in some ST, I don't see how he isn't on the 53. Talk about a decoy: a rookie FB that blocks 95% of the time catching a screen or lob pass out of the backfield? Yes, please.
  8. Keep giving us the updates. No such thing as too much good news, especially if it concerns our sophomore WR1.
  9. Cotchery might get replaced next year, but I don't see it happening this season. Bersin should be knocked down the depth chart this year for Byrd if the coaches are high on him.
  10. I'm not too worried about Ealy. He's smart and came on strong at the end of the year. Some guys struggle in camp and some guys flourish. Ealy is a young DE who is still growing, and we've taken that for granted given the talent that surrounds him. My faith is still strong.
  11. Tolbert may be listed as a FB, but we def. utilize him as a hybrid. With our RB situation not a well known commodity, Tolbert could spend more minutes as the h-back than we realize, leaving plenty of room for a guy like Ward.
  12. And to think this kid has Luke and TD to learn from...that sounds weird, "learning from Luke." Hell, Luke is still super young for the level of play he is at. Just a total X-Factor all around. Most players in Luke's situation would still be getting coach; instead, Luke is doing the coaching. Gotta love this team.
  13. Everytime I see a picture of TD I flash back to his forced fumble in the SF game and then I snap back to the present. Good pic of him carrying his girl over his shoulder with the dusk in the background.
  14. Started a new nutrition plan yesterday. Lowering my net carbs to less than 100/day, and upped my protein and (healthy) fats. Trying to burn off this excess body fat. I feel like I fluctuate between 15-18%, and can't seem to get any lower. Hopefully a diet change for a few weeks will spark my system. Truth be told, though, I have been drinking more than usual as of late. That's what is keeping my body fat high. Guess I'm kinda taking drastic measures to make up for the excess drinking. Ah, Summer.
  15. I think his limitations really slapped people in the face, and that reality triggered a snap judgment that he sucks. Well, he may not fit the roles he was thrust into last season, but he most DEFINITELY fits that 3d-and-5-spread-the-field-and-get-6-yards-with-a-tough-catch-over-the-middle role. We all tried to make him something he isn't due to our lack of skill positions last year. Now that he should fit comfortably back in his role this year, I think people will come to appreciate him more.
  16. Great stuff as usual. Huddle content is getting better and better.
  17. If you think about Stew's size and strength, it's actually pretty impressive. Strong glutes. Strong core. Flexible hips. Great balance.
  18. Anyone know what the incentives are like? I'm sure Cam pointed out other QBs his age, but DG countered with their playoff success. That said, maybe DG satisfied Cam by building in super incentives?
  19. Started my first creatine cycle yesterday. Any foreshadowing on what to expect being a first timer? My goal is lean muscle, but I find that I lose too much muscle due to the calorie deficit, so I'm hoping this will facilitate muscle retention/growth while remaining at a caloric deficit.
  20. who is she and why should we care? is she another hardy-type that could ruin his career, or just another 15 minutes of limelight cleat chaser?
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