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Everything posted by PandaPancake

  1. We call them shorts because we're not fuging weirdos.
  2. I got traps by carrying Grandpa. But I've been taking it easy because I hurt my hip flexor by picking up fat chicks
  3. Don't you know that douche there will defend the Patriots even if they commit genocide? His cousin once touched Brady
  4. We haven't had much luck with Stanford players. He might want to go back and finish his degree
  5. I would but I have to go yell at a single mom for having a child out of wedlock
  6. Don't engage Rodeo. Don't you know that his distant cousin once touched the Patriots field?
  7. This isn't a punishment. A real punishment? Vacate their Super Bowl win. No one won.
  8. I like to walk around looking like I'm homeless you may laugh but I've never been robbed
  9. We just thought you would make your own
  10. You've never been on safari.
  11. I have to remember to check the mail more than once a month. It was there. I'll be putting that sticker on my hard hat.
  12. It's Colorado. Where the seasons are made up and Subaru owns us
  13. At least he has that degree in General Studies to fall back on. What's the max fine a player can pay?
  14. Watching the Super Bowl? I'll see myself out
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