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Everything posted by t96

  1. 1st overall pick for an aging RB? Come on Tampa pull the trigger, it'd be genius.
  2. Remember how that worked out for them when Vince Young said they'd be the dream team? The fella I replied to said they didn't have many holes, except that they do. Sure cap space can help with that I just honestly don't see them being very competitive next year.
  3. They have major holes at safety, guard, WR if Maclin leaves, corner, d-line, QB and now RB as well. It COULD be a good move by them but right now Chip is putting way too much trust in his own system. McCoy carried that offense the past 2 years and now without him I doubt it has much success. McCoy is an ELITE RB and not one that could be replaced by Sproles or by some random rookie next year.
  4. And I'd say it was a good trade for the Bills. They were dominant on D last year without Kiko, and now they picked up a centerpiece for their offense because lord knows they don't have a QB. If they can shore up their offensive line I could honestly see them pushing for division champs with the Patriots.
  5. They will trade up for Mariota if he's there at 6. The Jets have other holes and wouldn't go QB and they'd love to pick up a bunch of picks. Chip is set on getting Mariota, I'm sure of it.
  6. Alright fug this he needs to stay in his fuging house every second this off season. Car crash and now could've been shot by some random PoS's. How unlucky can a guy get?
  7. I wouldn't call the best returner in the game "complete trash". I wouldn't refer to CP as trash at all, but at least call him " incomplete trash".
  8. Patterson is complete trash, I don't want him anywhere near Carolina. Got beat out at WR by a guy who the Vikings signed off the Browns practice squad week 1. Doesn't return punts. And Cobb isn't happening. Nice try.
  9. Jeremy, didn't you say you were gonna get Bell on the podcast? Or was that a joke?
  10. It's only a valid decision if it's 100% because of financial reasons and has absolutely nothing at all to do with the DV charge. And it seems that that's not the case because Greg said he's take less to play for Carolina.
  11. We have a top GM and a solid coach. We got to the divisional round last year after losing 2 pro bowlers and other important key players and actually gaining no pro bowlers. Not sure why fellas here want to keep complaining even when we as Panthers fans have a lot to be excited about.
  12. I thought Voth said that we never actually made him an offer, and that was a wrong report.
  13. Don't fuging trade for that contract. Let him be cut and then try to sign him to a low guaranteed contract and bring him in to compete. He was bad last year but who knows what could happen with him here. He was actually great when filling in as LT for the Bengals.
  14. This would be my dream first 2 picks. I still have a really really hard time seeing Collins drop to us but I fuging hope he does so badly. Our D would easily be top 3 again with adding him in addition to our other young guys improving. Not sure I'd be that happy with O'Leary but it's the 3rd round and if that's who DG and Rivera go with then I'm all for it.
  15. Team I see him signing with, if not here..... Cincinnati Bengals.
  16. He ain't OFFICIALLY gone until he signs with another team.
  17. Are you really this fuging slow? Peterson JUST GOT PUT ON THE EXEMPT LIST YESTERDAY, while the NFL appeals the judge's ruling. He did not fuging agree to being placed on it. Wow.
  18. Yes they can. They just did with Peterson. Are you this slow? Hardy did agree to be put on it but he really had no other choice because if he said no he'd have just been suspended indefinitely.
  19. No. Their new policy says 6 games for first offender. So they were not waiting on it to decide how many games.
  20. I don't have a clue what you're talking about, that's just my guess.
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