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Everything posted by t96

  1. My opinion of Rhule has grown in the past year or so. He was actually quite good in college before he came here and couldn’t overcome the Tepper stink. Don’t get me wrong, he did suck here and I’m glad he’s gone and don’t want anything to do with him anymore. But I’m not rooting against him nor do I even think he’ll fail with Nebraska
  2. I wish we'd start focusing only on route running and hands in our scouting. I've come around to that being really the only thing that matters for receivers. Obviously guys have to be quick and great athletes to be great route runners but the ability to get open is so ridiculously more important than sought after traits like size and raw speed. If you can create separation every damn play it doesn't matter if you can't jump over a DB for a contested catch or you can't get 40 yards down field in 4.3 seconds hoping to outrun the coverage. Steelers have been the best WR mill in the league forever now because of their focus on route running and hands. Like you said we just grab the size/speed guys who can't do the basic fundamentals of the position, with the exception of DJ. Maybe XL will be more like him but every day 2/3 WR (and fatty KB) we've taken since Smitty has been the former.
  3. yeah. when I posted that lol I don't know why but I had in my mind he was a later pick but obviously being the top RB picked in the draft I think fantasy players will be interested in him, even in re-draft with coming off injury. So prob won't be able to get him last round but maybe like 10th/11th round -- and still worth a shot there in my view.
  4. If I play fantasy this year I'm drafting Brooks last round and stashing him. Have a feeling he'll be a RB1 for like the last month or 2 of the season and win some leagues for people in the playoffs. Doubt we see him play any games before October and won't earn a starting bellcow job until mid/late November. But I'm super super excited for this kid once he's on the field and healthy.
  5. Big names but there’s a reason both are unsigned at this point in the offseason, and it’s not the same reason Gilmore isn’t signed…
  6. Wanted Navarro then and in hindsight really wish we got him instead of tepper, obviously. His daughter got smoked today in a match on paper she really should've won. But she's had a great year and is an exciting young American player. Bills owner's daughter Jess Pegula also a top tennis player. Being super rich certainly helps a young player develop in an expensive sport like tennis.
  7. Great deal all around, losing him for nothing or trading him for a couple 2nds would've sucked and been terrible asset management. Not totally convinced we see him stick around here long term, but for this year at least I really really hoping we can see him with Melo and Mark healthy all year. Miles and Melo playing together a couple years ago were so damn fun to watch, and had us actually winning games. Brandon, Mark, other depth pieces we've acquired and new coaching could have this team being a top 6 seed in the east, honestly. His future here past the next couple years is dependent on how it goes, could see us keeping him as a part of the core long term if that chemistry with LaMelo re-emerges, but could also see us trading him at some point for other assets.
  8. thought we'd see Turbo return, bummed to let him walk as he and Aho just shouldn't be apart. but I get it, Turbo hasn't been the same player for us the last couple years and really not an ideal style fit for the current makeup of the team and trying to compete in the playoffs. Plus we will use that cap space on Jarvis/Necas. Love Pesce but yeah that was inevitable and honestly his play dropped off a cliff last year, and I think will only get worse as he ages. I truly believe Chatfield will be better than him going forward starting in 2025-26 season.
  9. It's a little more than I'd have liked to pay and 1 year longer than I'd have liked but this post is ridiculous. He was put on waivers before the 2022 season, nearly 2 years ago, not "months ago." Since clearing waivers he has put up 27 goals and 66 points in the bottom 6, while providing great D, PKing and physicality. And 16 points in 26 playoff games. I absolutely can't stand when Rod plays him on the top line but Martinook is an extremely valuable 3rd liner. I have no problem with this move.
  10. Core pieces locked up, youth movement filling in elsewhere, not ideal to let a lot of great talent walk but I honestly don't hate it. It's kinda exciting, as we legitimately do have great prospects that will need spots to play in. Need to get Jarvis locked up for 8 and I'd also put the focus on keeping Necas for like 6 years. I also think we'll make a big splash in FA or trade within the next year or two once the right opportunity presents itself. Like really big splash to add to the core. Still think we make the playoffs this season but possibly as a wildcard. Next year Nikishin arrives along with the potential splash and young guys continuing to develop and I think we're back to being contenders year in year out. Not writing off next year by any means but yeah we've gotten worse and I don't consider us top contenders going into next year, for the first time in probably 5 years.
  11. Yep glad to see it. I’m still pissed at how ripped off I was last year paying full price Sunday ticket for that poo product of ours, while not watching any other games really
  12. don't know crap about this dude or any other player in this draft, but after being a Scoot fan last year, I've come to realize I wouldn't know poo regardless so will put a bit of trust into our new ownership, front office and coaching staff (at least until they prove to still be the same old hornets) In a poor draft like this I do like the idea of a boom/bust pick
  13. just don't let any jets fans in until all the panthers fans have showed up lol
  14. yeah I’ve been to Wofford I think 3 times and absolutely loved it. I don’t know anything about the new set up but can’t imagine it’ll be anywhere near as good as Wofford was. Sad
  15. Can someone here who goes do a write up with how camp is set up these days? Wofford was great from a fan perspective, curious to see how this compares. With Tepper being behind it my guess is it’ll suck
  16. Slavin expected to extend 8 years $6.5M per year as soon as he’s eligible on July 1. Absolutely ridiculous steal and great early work from Tulsky. Slavin is tied for our most important player with Aho and I’d honestly give him $10M per year if that’s what it took to keep him. He’s easily worth it.
  17. As expected and glad to hear it's official. I think he's been more responsible for our sustained success the last 6 years than Waddell was. Both have been important, don't get me wrong. But I'd rather let Don walk like we did than have Tulsky take a GM job elsewhere, which he absolutely would've gotten eventually (has already had several interviews and league wide interest). I think Justin Williams could backfill some of the Waddell duties on the GM side. Team President will probably be a new hire, or other promotion from within -- Waddell was definitely good at that stuff but all that stuff doesn't directly impact the on ice product.
  18. Tennis too for any fans of the sport
  19. I'm sure whatever JR did do that we haven't heard about is not as bad as the majority of other owners like Jones, Kraft, Irsay, Snyder, etc. I'm no JR defender, he sucked too. My point is just that he did not fight the accusations or league whatsoever and just bent over. All the other owners want to keep their teams as we saw from Snyder for so long and Kraft, Jones easily getting all their controversies swept under the rug.
  20. Our future RHD room had a ton of question marks going into this offseason, glad we took care of 1 spot already. It's a good price and term for Chatty. Very good chance he outplays this deal but there is some risk of it being a slight overpayment for a guy more suited for the 3rd pair. If he and Orlov as expected wind up being our 2nd pair, I'm confident and comfortable in them being an above average 2nd pair, but we do have to see it first. It was ridiculous having them as a 3rd pair last year, though really too bad Pesce got hurt in the playoffs. I don't think this rules out keeping Pesce necessarily but he probably walks. So we've got Burns, Chatty, Morrow next year. Not terrible if we keep the big forward guns like Guentz and Necas but if we don't we definitely still need to add to the RHD group IMO. Morrow ideally plays most of next year in the AHL. And Burns' play slipped down the stretch last year and he's going to be a year older and is already the oldest player in the league. I don't want to trade Necas but if we do, barring him being just 1 piece in a big forward upgrade, I hope we get a legit cost controlled top 4 RHD back.
  21. I think it's a reasonable comparison with the context that Teddy's career ultimately was greatly hindered by his brutal injury in MN. His first two seasons weren't the best (better than bryce's rookie year but not by much) but going into year 3 he appeared by all accounts to be taking the next step forward before destroying his leg (if I recall right, it was like a 2 year recovery). He honestly wasn't that bad for us/Denver considering that injury. I think Bryce can be what Teddy could've been if not for that injury. Still not an elite franchise QB or even close to it, but potentially a Dalton, Palmer, Carr, etc. type of 2nd/3rd tier QB who can get you to the playoffs, but I don't really see him as having the upside to be a QB who gets you that SB win. That said, there have been a few teams that have shown you can win a SB without an elite QB -- Ravens with Flacco, Eagles with Foles. Bryce could be as good as either of those guys if the rest of the team around him is good enough. Long story short, I don't really think he's the guy long term here. Maybe he becomes like KC Alex Smith for us and sticks around a while until we try to replace him but sadly I think the most likely outcome is that he doesn't start a game for us after this season.
  22. should've been a day 2 pick but whatever, the falcons suck regardless (yeah I know, glass houses and all)
  23. uhh our roster and team expectations are exactly at a point where we can afford to sit/develop players. We need to build out a core and add talented players for the future period, nobody is expecting us to compete/contend this year. Teams solidly in their window (like the Chiefs, Bills, etc.) are ones who can't afford to use high picks or cap space on players who won't contribute immediately. I'd argue the main reason the Chiefs went back to back was their ability to draft immediate impact players the last 2 years. As a team squarely in the beginning of a rebuild we don't care about immediate impact, just starting to get some damn impact players at all. If they take a few years to develop so be it, we're not losing anything right now.
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