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electro's horse

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Everything posted by electro's horse

  1. do they ask him about eating poo on the best pass of Cam's career at the end of the 2017 Saints playoff game?
  2. Analysts who work for the big networks are terrified of pissing off alabama. They hyped Bryce for the same reason they hyped hurts and Mac jones. Saban has a lot of sway over the networks, especially cbs, and he used his players getting drafted as a recruiting tool. No one crosses Alabama players, especially not qbs. You see this even now with the way tv personalities handle Bryce. They’re playing to an audience that doesn’t follow the panthers but is following Bryce. A bama qb going number one overall and being successful is basically the holy grail for college-nfl integration. Whelp; they got half of that. second is the panthers made it obvious early who they weee picking and the twitter sphere likes to be right. When people say “he was the consensus number 1” of course he was: tepper said he was going to draft him. Plus, people don’t want to deal with pissed off bama fans. Even the videos pointing out his flaws couched all of that with “but it’s never been a problem!” Look on this board: if Bryce was some third rounder from like Maryland no one would be defending. Hell, Clausen was a second rounder from notre dame and people were ready to murder. But just something about Alabama….
  3. Baker was probably not fully healthy in Carolina. Not that he’ll ever be fully healthy, but he was hurting a little and I don’t think he really got back into shape until later in the year. bob Mcadoo ran a notoriously complex offense in New York when he was the OC. Just tons of option routes and stuff requiring the wr and qb to be on the same page. Like they both need to be able to read outside leverage and a safe drifting away and both knowing they need to throw the inside variant. this is a huge problem for baker for three reasons. The first is that Rhule split first team reps all through training camp and preseason for whatever goddamn reason. I think Rhule really thought have an open competition was more important than letting baker build up a rapport with the receivers. People talk about Bryce and receivers not being on the same page every time he three hops a pass or tosses it into the front row. that’s just a qb being poo. Baker was very clearly throwing different routes than the receivers were running. After the first month of the season the wheels were falling off. And that leads to point number two…. Baker is pure vibes. Just the vibes-iest qb in the league. I cannot explain this but it’s just one of those things that you’ll agree with if you think about it. We all know people like that: great when things are going well, useless when things are challenging. When things are going good they’re good. When things are not they’re not. Imagine a dude like that on this team Lastly baker isn’t exactly a cerebral qb, or person. This is a guy who drove an hour to cheat on his wife in a Cheesecake Factory parking lot. Mcadoos offense was probably the worst thing for him. Everyone was talking about how amazing it was he learned the playbook in LA on short notice, but McVay probably was telling him where to throw over headset. I think he would have done well in the second half of the season when Wilkes told Mcadoo to stop being fuging cute and run the damn ball. Baker excels when he’s making simple reads and just slinging it. He’s doing so well in Tampa because he’s got two wide receivers that can get open. He doesn’t have a hose of an arm; he’s more a poor man’s Joe burrow. But he can execute a simple offense and that’s what the bucs did. i don’t know what happens with baker moving forward. Bucs might be without Canales, their offensive coordinator, and Mike Evans who they didn’t extend. They’re probably gonna resign him. But that’s what happened in Carolina. Overly complex offense, not enough time with receivers because of Rhule, and bad vibes.
  4. i love these videos where someone puts together everything they think should have been a catch, ignoring that half of these are terribly placed balls. Just because a WR has a ball hit their hands doesn't mean it's an easy catch. And so what? Give him every "dropped" TD and every dropped yard. He was still terrible. And this is to say nothing about dropped interceptions, or his league leading 11 fumbles that he was mostly lucky with. I'd make a video of those, but I don't have enough time and youtube won't let you upload videos that long.
  5. I think McCarthy would be great in Carolina. the panthers have been decimated at an organizational level. They really need someone who has experience in successful organizations and how they run things. laugh all you want about the cowboys choking, (and I encourage it) but the cowboys have consistently been one of the best teams in the league for drafting and developing players and coaches. That’s what the panthers need right now.
  6. all they had to do was not draft a midget
  7. Lmao watching stroud effortlessly make throws Bryce didn’t make all season
  8. i like u do u like me 2 yes [ ] no [ ]
  9. Thanks Derrick. Hope they lock you up.
  10. Might be they want to go ahead a hire evero and take his input on who he wants to work with.
  11. Depends on what happens with Luvu and brown.
  12. maybe had something tentative for new england, then belichick is trying to stick around and they just said fug it.
  13. the panthers are reaching out to literally everyone i got a call from a pittsburgh area code that i ignored
  14. You throw the bank at vrabel and play fox ball for three years.
  15. this isn't as bad as the picture of him with nicole tepper where she has far more muscle on her arms than him
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