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  1. dave-o


    In Gastonia there was an IHOP on Cox Rd.... They would answer the phone... "IHOP on Cox"
  2. You really think they are watching people come and go? I was thinking of maybe getting a disposable vape... Liquid I guess... I'm just an old school burner from back in the day... I dont know all the new stuff...
  3. Anyone with experience with vapes? Never used one... And looks like I will be up there next Friday !!
  4. Whats Delhomme up to these days?
  5. I edged my lawn... sidewalk... driveway... Cleared away a bunch of bushes and branches... Mowed the front yard... Had a nice afternoon and dinner with my lady... Wonder who our next coach and QB will be?
  6. Got lots of fall yard work done yesterday during the game...
  7. Stevie Wonder saw this comin' !
  8. Anyone been yet? I wish this wasnt three hours from the NFL football mecca we call Charlotte...
  9. A foe.... WEEK 1 YDS 161 25th TD 0 Tied-25th INT 2 Tied-31st QBR 10.5 31st
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