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Status Updates posted by Dpantherman

  1. I got that first one remember!! (maybe not), but I see the second one now. We need 'wall swag' or something. I like ;)

  2. I have to see man. I hope so. Been a fan all my life (lies in 21 so since I was 5...so most of it), and have yet to go to a game.

  3. i haven't seen you lately

  4. i hope to find that out in about 2 years.

  5. I just got a DM from Michelle Beadle :svengo:

  6. I know man! I was telling someone the other day that I couldn't pull it off.

  7. i know man!! I was saying "Its going to be the black guy" most of them are black...get it?? oh nvm, i failed.

  8. i know, but you wanted Cowher...completely tongue in cheek ;)

  9. I meant Skip, but anyway, I go this from Twitter: scaled.php?tn=0&server=739&filename=si1cv.jpg&xsize=640&ysize=640

  10. i posted 2 things on my page thinking it was yours hours ago. kills the joke i guess

  11. I proclaimed my love for Ciara a while back. Shes dating Amar'e now, the lucky bastard. Ciara has legs and booty for days. Lack of rack (unless shes had work done recently) but everything else is there

  12. I put the team on my back doe!

  13. i saw what u posted...give me deets!!!

  14. i see what happened. i hate u

  15. I think it winked at me

  16. I think they're real. I don't like a lot of tattoos. Some are ok though...i guess.

  17. i think this was back when rumors were out that she was bi. One of her friends.

  18. I told him to quit putting those in his ass...hes doesn't listen

  19. I tried to send you a message, buy your inbox is full. Here is what It said: You should do a profile for Pat Shurmer. He was McNabb's QB coach in philly for 10 years. Hes been in St. Louis for 2 years now as OC. 45 years old.. also Hue Jackson- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4nEBXrwKGsI Saints RB/Oline coach... Aaron Kromer and Titans OC...Mike Heimerdinger. Hes been with Fischer forever, back when they were in the SB, then he left, and came back. He coached under Shanahan during the SB years. hes done a pretty good job. just thought I'd bounce a few your way

  20. I want to go to game like mad man. These six classes are kicking my you know what. hopefully I'll have a schedule like I do this coming weekend (week of exams = practically free weekend). I'll have to check my schedule. I'll have to see what my schedule looks like that week.

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