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Everything posted by Guild

  1. You guys ignore anything you hear about arson in Asheville. I'm fuging burning this poo down omfg!
  2. If we can get a stop and score one more time I will burn my fuging house down.
  3. It's called favoritism. This poo is as legit as WWF.
  4. Why would I do that? There is no evidence that he will do anything other than drop the ball.
  5. No. The last drop cemented it. He had it easy. He sucks. Maybe he won't suck next year.
  6. Hopefully this is the return of Superman :D
  7. I like this pick but as others have said we will take Coleman around when we could pick Fiedorowicz. Unless we take a WR in the first two rounds then maybe we will grab this guy.
  8. It's good I suppose; most played doesn't necessarily mean best or we would be singing the praises of Bejeweld and Candy Crush. As someone who played wow enough to be in the top .1% of dedicated DPS players I would have to say that DCUO offers quite a bit of fun that WOW does not while not requiring the time dedication to be an effective player.
  9. The Infinity Engine games were my all time favorites. Baldur's Gate, Ice Wind Dale, Planescape: Torment
  10. My suspicion is Jon + Daenerys vs. Tyrion is the end game. I think this addresses what you have written. This conflict of deities is the abstract conflict between these forces or vice versa. Otherwise a new villain will be introduced to represent the power coming forth from the north. I think Tyrion is being set up to become that power but we'll see.
  11. R+L=J is something I also suspect. I like the idea of Jamie being Azor Azhai but Jon got setup to become it at the end of ADwD. I really think this is the Jon Snow, Tyrion Lannister, and Daenerys Targaryen show at this point so we'll see.
  12. I got a DWill autographed football for Christmas. I'm stoked!
  13. haha I didnt even go there to troll...

  14. I've been trying to remember one of my favorite trilogies for like a year now and it's the Cycle of Fire by Janny Wurts.
  15. GAMEDAY! Lets crush those damn Buccanqueers.

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