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Darth Biscuit

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Status Updates posted by Darth Biscuit

  1. Definitely get up with me if you come down here and we'll hit 'em up.

  2. Yo, vote for me... oops. :D

  3. You voted for Saltman? I thought we had a deal... :mad:

  4. Nipples and toe are always appreciated. :D

  5. Wilmington Ale House is great and I love BWW's down at Monkey Junction (which is close to where I live)... Beach wise, there are more/better looking chicks at Wrightsville IMO.. all the college chicks go to W'ville, and college starts next week. Carolina Beach is nice... you can drive on the north and south ends with a 4x4. Basically WB is the high end beach and CB is the more redneck beach...

  6. Pushy, pushy... :P Nicole Violet Albright

  7. Thank you sir... then the boobs are gratis. :D

  8. I would rep you again for that new thread in the lounge, but it won't let me... I need to get one of those and ride out to UNCW and see if it works. :lol:

  9. Yeah, she is isn't she... she's fairly new, probably last week. Ms. Denise Milani. I keep av's and images off at home too...

  10. Hmmm... looks OK to me... Imageshack has been acting weird today? I like your new av.

  11. :party: Well I'll be damned...

  12. :P You know I had to mess with you weirdo...
  13. Seriously? I'm assuming no with the presence of the :P...

  14. Goodnight @ 6:51PM? Baby keeping you up? How's that babysitting going BTW? Nice boobages, thanks... nice new avatar too! :thumbsup:

  15. :lol: That's funny... ever been to UNCW? If not, you should definitely ride/walk thru campus next week... :eek: You picked a GREAT week to visit.
  16. Well, well... lookie what we have here. A gen-u-ine App State homer. :D Now we just need Doc and Jake on here and the circle will be complete.

  17. I'm glad u won as long as you don't ban me... so what's the deal?

  18. Bewbs are srs bizness... I'll give your rep back at some point.

  19. White lab coat, good idea... I'm trying to accept your friend request and it won't let me??? I'll PM a mod...

  20. Do you live in the ILM area?

  21. Yeah, I was hoping it would heal and I HATE doctors, but I've got to do something... I can't golf and it's killing me half the time.

  22. :lol: Oh yeah, forgot about her... :D
  23. How come you can rep me, but I can't rep you??? Not fair. I owe you some.

  24. Any particular reason? Is this OK?

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