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  1. That's BS. Im pretty sure you mean the throw to Chuba...it's not like he can't throw 30 yards. That's crazy. He took the higher percentage throw on a 4th down.
  2. I noticed that too. Looks like Bryce sees it but probably didn’t want to take that chance on a 4th down play.
  3. Thanks for the update! Prayers up for sure.
  4. “That’s not Luke…that’s the other white linebacker we have.” hahahaha miss those days
  5. I’m very excited about this season. I think this coaching staff is the real deal and that Bryce is gonna shine in this system. I also think Tepper is learning to back off.
  6. Glass half full: Hopefully everything has happened for a reason and we’ve landed the best coach we’ve ever had and a franchise QB.
  7. I think they were trying to get at “there’s no point in risking your long term health for this season.” moving on.
  8. Maybe in the 5th?
  9. That’s tough. I think I would go BPA on offense. Wether that’s a WR, TE, or Oline.
  10. The kid that posted that is a L 7 weenie. Oscar Mayer even.
  11. What a ish show. As pathetic as it sounds I’ve actually lost sleep over the state of this team.
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