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About MickMixon'sMetaphors

  • Birthday 11/27/1977

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  1. And now it would mean a lot to me. Thoughts and prayers man. I lost my Mom when she was only 57. My oldest daughter was 4 and my youngest was a baby. The hardest part was knowing they would never know my Mom who was the most wonderful person in the world.
  2. I don’t know if he reviews his instagram account, but the comments there are brutal. Plenty of Bryce bashing. I feel bad for the young man but at least he can walk away with a good amount of starting wealth. Hope he does something with it.
  3. And in this case we are fearing evil and there is no rod or staff to comfort us. The rod and staff are giving it to us raw.
  4. You are really good at summarizing @Icege. Wish you were around to help me in college lectures. Much thanks!
  5. Guess I'm the minority. Grew up in Charlotte-Metro. Watched the team since the beginning. They suck, sure, but I will watch the games. Shake my head. Enjoy my beer. I do tend to tune out if they are just getting dominated and you know that it isn't going to change from quarter to quarter (you can just tell sometimes). I guess I'm able to compartmentalize and watch Panther games as "entertainment" via a recorded youtubeTV instance - fast forwarding commercials, half time, saving a lot of personal time. I've never purchased any panther gear. I've only been to a couple games when my company gave us tickets or someone needed a wing mate and had an extra ticket. I guess you could say I've never been financially invested. When they suck, it doesn't ruin my day. I simply don't dwell on it. It's hard for me to relate with the true anger/frustration that some fans feel with their sports teams, but I can appreciate it.
  6. His ample chest is like two ripe cantaloupes ready to be motorboated into. You're welcome.
  7. I don’t know if everybody is expecting overnight results and success. The reset/rebuild clock seems to reset every year with the message of “be patient. It starts to get better now” but it just doesn’t. Then it resets again. We’re in an infinite loop.
  8. Dang - buy me a lottery ticket, you called it.
  9. I enjoyed it last year. Will DVR it, fast forward all commercials, and watch at night when chilling. It’s football, so good to me! The biggest issue is defensive players tend to be much better than offensive (especially QB play). Makes it tough to enjoy sometimes, but I support the idea of a “minor league” for players to find new opportunities in the NFL.
  10. Reich calms fears, says “Like Jay-Z, it takes a few years to become an overnight sensation. Not worried about missed opportunities because it is what it is.”
  11. We do have a shotgun problem and we keep shooting our dang feet off with it.
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