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Everything posted by Verge

  1. It's not like Tepper does not have legal experts on his payroll. There is a reason all of this is getting leaked out to me, Florio, Alexander, etc right now. No chance they believe he is being convicted, this wouldn't be a conversation we would be having if they did. Though it has become kind of obvious Tepper is blinded by his own hubris a bit, as he went into the owners meeting believing they would 100% get Watson. I certainly hope that is not the case. They already desperately backtracked last year by having Person (I believe it was Person anyway) leak some BS about how "we are not interested at this time". It would be outright embarrassing if they had to do that again. One thing is for sure, the leagues perspective on us being an absolutely shitshow is completely on point.
  2. I'm not in favor of obtaining Watson on the first place. My opinion on it is entirely irrelevant lol of course I think that package is ridiculous.
  3. Obviously that deal wouldn't be on the table if he was charged. We offered three 1st round picks + other picks + player at the deadline with zero clarity on Watsons situation. If his situation clears up and there other other bidders, why wouldn't we offer more?
  4. I expect us to outbid just about anyone. Three 1sts, next year's 2nd, two 3rds, Jeremy Chinn/Jaycee Horn, and Derrick Brown/Brian Burns. I could definitely see that package happening. That still might not be enough. I have said Tepper is all in on this, I'm not exaggerating.
  5. Steelers are in no way interested in Watson.
  6. People also need to keep in mind there is a legitimate chance Watson could catch a felony. If that happens that will obviously change the landscape of this discussion.
  7. There are other competitors. Anything could happen. I hesitate to say "done deal".
  8. They will know before we do. I feel like interested teams probably have a good idea what will happen anyway.
  9. We are definitely front runners and this is definitely coming to an end.
  10. The one they offered at the trade deadline was two 1sts, two 2nd/3rds, and a player iirc. I think it is probably more now.
  11. He already was willing to do that. They already offered a trade package.
  12. To be fair, I definitely do not want him here.
  13. They would obviously like to trade back.
  14. This just isn't true man. Malik is plenty accurate. He has streaks of some inaccuracy, but he is a solid passer.
  15. Malik not elevating Liberty above Ole Miss is not a good argument. The talent gap between both teams is huge and he was still the best player on the field.
  16. The league is very much sold on physical ability with good instincts that can be molded over anything else. They watched Bills V Chiefs and it really cemented that. If you have a 20% chance on hitting on a Josh Allen you take it.
  17. I tried to stray away from the typical comparisons they have been getting. It really is harder to compare these QBs to others, especially Willis.
  18. I know some of you have asked me my opinion on my top QBs in this class, and I just had an article with my thoughts on it published on Catcrave. Feel free to ask any follow up questions and I will answer best I can. I have watched a lot of tape on these guys this year https://catcrave.com/2022/03/04/ranking-quarterbacks-carolina-panthers-met-nfl-combine/
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