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Everything posted by stan786

  1. Shady lmao. I've never seen so much stock but on something so small. You'll come around eventually when he's here.
  2. Sure that is fair, I'd imagine the physicals would be able to give you the info you needed there as the front office.
  3. I mean sure, but he's not the first to do it and not the last. People love JSN who didnt run the 40 because he wanted a friendly track to run on to hide his biggest weakness. Combine is the combine if you base everything on that good luck.
  4. He missed one game last year and 0 games before that.
  5. Sure if you want it to be, its happened plenty in the past.
  6. I have a report CJ Stroud got injured and missed a game for the same thing. Is he immediately hurt when he gets to the NFL. If teams didnt draft QBs who choose to skip throwing at the combine they'd have missed a ton of great prospects its not even the slightest bit weird or unheard of.
  7. You have a report he said he was too hurt to throw at the combine?
  8. Oh I 100% agree with you, I'm just saying taking this data and assuming it always continues in a downward trend probably not correct. Do I know the magic number? No. Does anyone assuming Bryce is automatically hurt in the NFL? No. Is it fair to pass on a better QB because of something backed by 0 data, not in my eyes, sounds like a way to always be average.
  9. They've been the same level of durable in college, where does the less durable thing come from or is it just you feel like he should be? Pockets probably the most dangerous place for a QB to be based on Injury rates.
  10. In summary don't be a size coward and pass on him just because but its fair to be size aware.
  11. There is not enough data either way to know. The people who are making a huge deal of it are making assumptions that have never been proven out, the people that say there is zero risk are interpolating the data down into outlier data where we have no real idea. Previous Injury history does tend to inform future injury risk and Bryce has been relatively clean comparatively. Its 100% a data point and should be a discussion but this feels like people who think more carries in college = more injuries in the pros when its been proven there is no correlation. There is a lot more that goes into injuries than the basic things people like to assume, and while I wish there was more data on injuries and size, currently making an assumption that it'll be a massive issue in the pros just feels like people overthinking things and making assumptions that are just not there. Bryce's size does make him an outlier but there are plenty of reasons short QBs don't get the burn in the NFL that regular sized QBs do. Generally when short QBs have elite skill sets and are given a shot they've tended to do well, but the sample size is very low. Teams aren't going to use early picks on outliers unless they've got some Elite skill sets and that's why on the alternative the only real comp for Anthony Richardson's accuracy levels is Josh Allen because he's the only guy before with the tools to get drafted in the first and be given the chances that first round picks get. That's the same reason there is a significantly higher success level with first round QBs than any other round of QB taken, when players have significant investments in them they are given more time and more chances to succeed.
  12. Moved to 100% team Young over the last two weeks, the more I watch the more clear to me he is special and heads and shoulders above the other guys. Signs are pointing more and more to us not being Size Cowards so I feel pretty confident we take him.
  13. Josh Norris has said a few times he regrets choosing to do the Purdy breakdown with Mccown over the Richardson video because he would have gotten so many clicks. If it’s Richardson at least we are swinging for the fences, I’ll be sad it’s not Bryce because the more I watch I see Greatness, but Richardson would be fun in the unlikely circumstance we do go that way.
  14. I'm not sure if any book but the one that guy mentioned actually got to Bryce being even, most the lines tightened today though.
  15. Yeah I know nothing of his sources but the guy clearly didnt seem very up to speed with what we gave up or team composition or anything.
  16. Stroud and his slight frame also dealt with a shoulder injury. Gotta worry about him as well.
  17. Did the local media hype this up? Feels like the Panthers weren’t saying much about it until someone posted a rumor we were doing a bigger change, and then the local media quickly snuffed it out by saying not much is actually changing.
  18. I imagine they’d stay the alternate at min, can’t imagine throwing that back after you finally did it to great response.
  19. I loved the old silver, but I get dropping it, hopefully it’s nothing too drastic or out there.
  20. The Herbert hate that year from some was wild. A lot of people blame Oregon not letting his show his skillset better for it, but he killed a lot of these amateur scouts credibility that year.
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