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Status Updates posted by PanthaSan

  1. :D I am about to change it. She is definitely one of my favs next to Brenda Acevedo.
  2. :lol: I guess 20 hours isn't too bad, if you have the time. When I was in the Electrical Crews, we had a few wild ones. We also had a direct flight from here to Vegas 3 times a week. Somebody would be pissed at their wife on payday and let the fun begin. Couldn't tell you how many company cell phones were left in random strip clubs, hotels and taxi cabs.
  3. :lol: most definitely avvie worthy. But I tend to like the ojnes that are squishing the puppies a bit with the hand bra. Got any of those?
  4. :lol: Ok, which one of you screwballs is this? :D
  5. :lol: You know, I had a friend who tried out for and almost won the role of the first black ranger. He was about 25 but looked 16 and had 2 black belts. They said his gymnast skills weren't good enough. FWIW, Starship Troopers >>>>All other alien killer wannabes...:D
  6. :lol: Ah, I see. He could always give up the booty... Wegro, please....:D
  7. :lol: Animal Mother FTMFW!! I surprised you didn't use the "sickle cell" line, :D. Just kidding!
  8. :lol: Hey, it's just a small price to pay for showing faith to "Ze Fazerland."....:D Yeah, I agree, some folks take things a bit serious. But, in your defense, they asked....
  9. :lol: I just realized that I never 'friended" your new Username. Maybe it was a Freudian Slip?
  10. :lol: I just saw that "bring it" movie again and I was wondering how long you would be in the hospital afterwards if you ever hooked up. She is very athletic.....:D
  11. :lol: I was looking at the very same thing cept it was MamaSan trying to make me feel better.
  12. :lol: I was referring to the crotch. Nothing visible but pretty much nothing for the imagination either. I'm surprised you didn't dig up some younger years pics.
  13. :lol: I was. My youngest daughter insisted on wearing hers, tho. We wore Cobra blue and I had a bunch of their logos printed and we were gonna use that iron on printer paper to apply them but forgot. Then I was just gonna staple them on the shirts but Mama thought it would be tacky. Me? Tacky? Don't answer that :D
  14. :lol: I will look it up. I miss out on all the fun because I hardly get a chance to log on after work and weekends. Too many things to do around the house and after the kiddies are asleep, it's me and Mama time. Maybe if I get her to create a user acount....:D
  15. :lol: Is the hot lesbian kissing campaign over?
  16. :lol: Just playing. I really don't care much for rap but there are a few I enjoy more for the music than the lyrics. I was around when it started with NWA and all the other wanna be's kinda burned me out....
  17. :lol: Nice twist on that Fridfay song for the Fight song submission. i had to listen to the vid and read the lyrics, Hahaha. Hey, who's the profile pic?
  18. :lol: Not from getting old, I got a massage at lunch Thursday and the gal was walking on my back and pinched a nerve. FML, no happy ending either. MamaSan was wondering why i didn't use our Insurance provider for my massage (we get 40 per year) and i told her that the couldn't get me in...
  19. :lol: Resurrection? Does that make you a zombie if you come back from the dead? Just kidding. hey, don't take things too personal. The folks on this board are actually really nice. You just picked a bad time to post something like that. They'll find a new victim and forget all about you...
  20. :lol: Thanks for the pics. I've been away a bit. Health issues and such. That pic with the chick pulling up her top is awesome. She has that nasty girl, should be in pr0n look that I love so much. How are things in the ILM?
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