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Everything posted by Tbe

  1. https://www.footballoutsiders.com/stat-analysis/2017/turf-type-and-nfl-injuries-part-i
  2. The American Journal of sports medicine did a 4 year study in this. Conclusion: The overall rate of injury on artificial turf was noninferior to that on natural grass. Within individual injury categories, a higher rate of ankle injury was found on artificial turf. No other injury subgroup demonstrated statistically significant differences between surfaces. https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/full/10.1177/0363546519860522
  3. The Texans have all the momentum. They’ll score one more time. We’ll get one field goal. 13 - 10 Texans.
  4. This situation was bound to happen at some point. At least it’s with a team we might still be able to beat. let’s hope they learn from this.
  5. TD was on that 2015 team. Hard to argue with someone like that.
  6. This. They have to put their double teams and best blockers on Brown, Burns, reddick.
  7. But how will he show off those beautiful hair plugs?
  8. Of course, Drew was talking about what he saw last year with our young D. Could be a different thing this year.
  9. Anyone see this last night? Apparently we have a college style defense. Is this the future or will it get exposed at some point? Skip to 6:16.
  10. When was the last time Cam had those numbers?
  11. That is amazing. I’m glad we own that record!
  12. That ad space isn’t that valuable. So he axed our only slogan/chant to make an extra $10-15k a game? Maybe...but I don’t see it. Personally, this reeks of middle management oversight. The same screwup that brought us that tunnel intro fiasco.
  13. of course it’s a topic worth discussing. It’s just annoying how fast it went from ... The team didn’t initiate the chant for this ONE game to .... Tepper personally axed it to make more money and because he hates Carolinians and wants to move the team. C’mon. BTW..I’m not defending Tepper, just basic reason.
  14. I’m continually stunned by the enormous amount of projecting you people do. This thread has created an entire narrative that Tepper hates the KP chant and wants to replace it to sell ads. There is a saying. ” Never attribute to malice that which can be adequately explained by stupidity.“ If you’ve ever worked in a large org and made decision that seemed small but blew up in your face then you know what I mean. If there is evidence Tepper called someone and said ‘I hate the chant’ then let’s see it and respond accordingly. Otherwise this is just fantasy/conspiracy talk. Calm down.
  15. Is that still the case? Didn’t most of their contacts leave with Ron and Hurney?
  16. I was going to say the exact same thing. His elite shiftiness and speed isn’t going to last into his 30’s.
  17. Thats exactly how this season will go. We always knew it would. Contain CMC and dare Darnold to throw.
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