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  1. Darnold? .. nah A third round rookie QB from a feeble QB class? .. definitely nah Baker Mayfield? Jimmy G? .. nah You're really fooling yourself if you think the answer is anyone but Cam bUt hE bEnChED CaM fOr SaM Yes, because defensive lines were teeing off on our QB's - put Sam out for that, not Cam - and losing was ideal anyway, which Darnold gave you the best chance to lose .. So don't give me the RhUlE hAtEs CaM narrative because he kept Cam from getting killed further behind trash protection in garbage time of the season games
  2. Are you saying because Rhule is on the hot seat he would be more inclined to start the third round rookie?
  3. The point is that it takes time .. years .. to know if a dart hits .. maybe year one Corral isn't that good but year four he's T10 QB
  4. Start Corral Day 1 so we know if we need a QB in '23 .. if Corral is bad we need to draft another next year and earlier You can't start a third round rookie QB - in a weak QB class - and if he struggles come to the conclusion he isn't the answer after one season Say he did start this season and looked bad overall but better as the season progressed .. how do you attack the '23 draft .. you throwing away Corral after one rookie season?
  5. This is BS and Corral being the #1 QB on our board is too
  6. Corral won’t be anything this year .. if any year .. and Darnold is Darnold .. so we do still need a starting QB .. I’m with OP
  7. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UCRJNSZV_No Go to about the 14 min mark .. the expression Fitter had was like "..I can't believe I just said that, this guy isn't going to be good.." What else could that have meant?
  8. Terrible pick indeed. What week does Corral get arrested is right.
  9. I’m sure they’ve been discussing that now, last night, yesterday .. will they though .. probably not .. the QB’s are falling because they aren't good
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