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  1. I need to either quit with my bot trolling or take it up a notch. Us fans know where Panthers.com is when you're in need of a good fluffing. I believe it should be placed in huddlers hands on whether a article from the fluff factory needs to be posted here. Give the people the power, cause I don't need to know the Panthers changed the landscaping around teppers parking spot....
  2. It's a very unique item that signifies a special bond. Though it sounds like you dis-like, it came from a anime series with the best, well...... If you are able to not research it and find out how the story gos. The pay off at the end, well words can not do it justice. You just got to invest a couple hours and don't look up any details.
  3. If Im right the last three years they've had around 50,000,000 each season in dead cap. Gettlegut at least got the cap under control after a couple years, then it got screwed up again during the herniay2.5/rhules era. Moton looks to be on the cutting black after this season as well, unless a new deal is worked out. Best I can tell moton is 30 million cap and 12 in dead space. I doubt Dan gets it below 30 million in dead cap for 2025.
  4. No one thought that at the time. He had the best combine for any LB, no off-field issues, high IQ&football IQ, stats, and size. Perfect......until it came time for NFL reps. I think fitteerere was there in Seattle for the pick....... that team has about 3-4 awful drafts and then one that sets the world on fire. He was also the first LB thought to be able to cover TEs and slot WRs. The next gen LB and safest pick....
  5. I cannot speak for k53, but most cam lovers pointed non-stop at him having a poor OL, which as you pointed out is 100% false. They had 2.7 or so years of prime tri turner, kalil, and the white buffalo. Mixed in moton, gross, DWilliams, and oher at OTs. Like you said, that was the best IOL in the whole fuging league, not the hog slop of this past season. Crazy enough it "looks" like the OL is the strongest unit on paper. That's if icky can hold down the LT, but even the depth looks legit....except at C....but still should be one of the better groups this year and the Panthers sure need some group to lean on, why not the OL?
  6. Aaron Curry got a universal label as "can't miss/perfect prospect too". The guy was at best a STer, everyone had him wrong. I think the biggest problem is the Panthers had no business trading up to the #1 spot for either young or stroud. Fittterererere gets the blame, but Tepper was hell bent on landing a QB. He failed with Watson and that was after telling everyone in the building watson would be a panther for 2 some years. 20/20 and all, but the Panthers should have stayed put and drafted Jalen Carter whom fail there. In this past off-season tons of QBs were there for pennies- Wilson, fields, Pickett, Zack Wilson, flacco , tanehill, Jones, etc. They could have easily had the first overall this past year without the trades as well. Just failure after failure, most of which is pointing at Tepper. If young fails, it will take nearly 5 years to fix.
  7. "allegedly" I just looked it up, she posted some ticktock vid about him beating her. Best I can find, no police arrested record, so one of them classic "she said, he said" deals.
  8. If icky fails, that's going make young chance of making it smaller.... as well. I've seen a couple of starting CBs go down across the league and here the Panthers are with horn and ________ . I know Dan can not fix all the problems in one off-season, just feels like he should got some insurance at CB...you know given horns injury history. I've said it before too, loved brooks and had him as the top RB, but this panthers team was dumb spending a mid 2nd resource on RB.....one of the most de-valued groups league wide and just seen like 10 starters, some of which were top guys on FA market getting meh deals. With alllllllll the holes and issues, I mean sanders, Hubbard, blackshear and they even got former 1st round penny for pennies. Use that for CB, edge, C, LB, DT, or TE made much better sense. Hell even double up at WR made more sense. If you by some metric or beliefs thought you had to draft a RB, which is still insane......pick one in 5-7 where there have been recent success stories. Again Im was a big brooks fan, just thought the fit should not be in panthers plans given the massive amount of holes and depth across the team except at RB.......bloody hell....
  9. The deal is Trevor was worth that trade up package. I say that after trashing him here, but we are talking college year here. Up until two weeks until the first pick, it was sorta close to 50-50 stroud young, maybe 60-40 in favor of young at times. The deal is young is small, short, isn't fast, isn't quick, and has a weak arm. But he slightly above normal IQ, maybe...... Im still blown away at that was the clear #1 overall pick. Bill parcells was right "He better walk on water". Young doesn't have Murray's arm or Vicks wheels, theres no elite trait that's been seen. Each of them had "well sure he's tiny, but he has _____, ______, and _______. Just a blunder beyond to trade up for a player with young's traits list. You are right, this is on the owner and blind hunt for a franchise QB.
  10. And you know what, add alllllllllllllllll that up and you still have the clear #1 overall pick!!!!!
  11. Well bryce young is no longer the smallest player on the roster currently.. Plus wasn't this guy in the news for beating up his wife??
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