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Everything posted by PleaseCutStewart

  1. I feel like Matt Lafleur should have better odds of being fired. Green Bay is a train wreck
  2. If that means we get to see what Andy Dalton can do the rest of the year, sure I guess
  3. If there was ever an appropriate time for this meme, it is this... Is there a difference in their poo playcalling?
  4. Unless Tepper fires himself, I don't think it will matter. We will just replace worthless coaches/GMs with even more worthless coaches/GMs
  5. The Panthers way... Win meaningless games when we have a first round pick, lose just about every possible game when we don't have a first round pick. We really need to be relegated to a local beer league flag football league
  6. He's getting paid and knows he will be lucky to be a backup QB after his contract ends with us. I don't think he really gives a fug what happens out there, which is a problem when that comes from the QB, the supposed leader of your team. I just hope we realize he is a bust soon enough and start trying to figure out our next QB. Don't wait until his year 4 of Bryce to figure out we need a new QB...
  7. That's with Andy Dalton skewing that average by about a +2... With Bryce, it's probably about 12 ppg, of which I would say half have been scored in garbage time
  8. So we scored 6 points today on offense? I guess Bryce nut huggers would say that Dalton would have been shut out today
  9. Is it bad that I have seen a lot of Jersey names on defense that I've asked the question "who the hell is that person"
  10. It's honestly wild how at no point do we look to pass more than 15+ yards. I still can't tell if it's coaching staff or Bryce
  11. I honestly wonder how many games we would have won if we had Dalton start every game this year..yes, our offensive talent sucks - but man Bryce has not looked good
  12. Just tuned in 5 minutes ago. Is there a reason we aren't running the ball at all?
  13. Good. Hopefully we can start a Netflix series where everybody in the world just roasts Tepper
  14. Is that chart for this year's stats?? If so, pretty sure just about all of his production came in the ATL and SEA games. I don't think I've heard a peep out of him since.
  15. Good! Hopefully all of the media laughs at how inept Tepper is. In a perfect world, they would only roast him and not even mention any coaches/players on our team.
  16. I mean... having to be a beat writer for this shitshow of a team would probably make me want to quit also...
  17. I wonder what random peewee soccer team coach he will hire to replace him. Maybe Ratt Mhule??
  18. Honestly, it had less to do with Rivera and more to do with the team we had. We actually had a great QB and unreal talent at D. I wish we had invested more in receivers, but it is what it is
  19. I will give the defense some reprieve because they have been decimated by injuries (and have still for the most part at least looked average). The offense is a complete trainwreck, from QB play to oline to receivers to playcalling.
  20. All I keep hearing is Bryce is the next Brees or Brady, but all I've seen is the next jamarcus Russell (as his floor) or Sam Bradford (as his ceiling)
  21. Ummm... He overthrew a screen pass by about 10 yds As he tried to float it there moving away from where he was throwing to... If you don't consider his arm a problem there, yikes... I just don't understand how it's not obvious to everyone that our coaching staff and every team we have played seems to realize that Bryce has zero arm strength and is unable to throw it deep. How our retarded organization didn't realize this pre-draft is just mind-boggling - We need to clean house of every single person in our front office That had any input into who we draft on offense (outside of maybe McCown who wanted CJ)
  22. At what point do you say it's Bryce not finding the open receiver/mismatch. Again, when your QB can't throw more than 15 yards, good luck winning any games
  23. Hopefully the NFL just forces us to play every home game in Europe next year. The state of NC shouldn't be forced to watch this embarrassing product live
  24. Our moron front office hoped he had Tom Brady IQ/awareness. Unfortunately Bryce has jamarcus Russell IQ/awareness without the athleticism of jamarcus. Just a god awful draft pick
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