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  1. No you were right, looks like meth is the way to go, thanks
  2. What’s a good price to pay for uppers? Curious as to when I’ll know that it’s a good time to pull the trigger. Looks like it’s their home opener so I imagine it won’t be super cheap
  3. https://x.com/garlandgillen/status/1790755212388343968?s=46
  4. According to a media guy from the Saints, we will kick off the season in Nola
  5. Is there a student discount? I know there was with DIRECTV, but wasnt sure about YouTube
  6. Thought this was good insight from Mike Uva, one of the writers of Gamecockcentral.com The cliche “he’s a great guy” gets tossed around a lot during the draft. But when I say Xavier Legette is an even better person than he is a football player, that’s an understatement. A lot of people will remember Legette’s incredible 2023 season, and I will too. But what I’ll always remember first was how he was ALWAYS one of the first Gamecocks to step up when it came to volunteering to give back to the community. Anyone that knows X’s story knows that he’s a fighter and is as humble as they come because of it. The Panthers not only landed a premiere WR, but they also just drafted a person who will make that community proud off the field as well.
  7. Smart move on his part. See if anyone gives you a multi-year deal or a lot of money for 1 year, if something doesn’t come then wait for injuries in training camp or a team to get desperate and over pay.
  8. https://x.com/legendsports7/status/1770575866205979040?s=46 This seems positive for us
  9. If it were all about that, he wouldn’t even be entertaining Carolina from the start. He’s an extreme mommas boy, or atleast he used to be, and loves South Carolina. I think if the panthers were even in the playoff conversation he would have been signed by now. Still a decent shot though due to the location factor
  10. Clowney’s visiting NYJ tomorrow. OP posted a tweet of some confused random fan
  11. We lost several pass rushers; Luvu, Burns, Haynes, and YGM. Not sure why anyone assumes this guy on a super cheap deal eliminates Clowney or young. Likely has nothing to do with them.
  12. Yikes… don’t like that there’s a week in between visits, and I assume other teams will be added to his list between now and then.
  13. This is a YGM replacement, not a burns replacement. In which, big upgrade IMO
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