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Everything posted by PanthersATL

  1. (halftime question) Did ESPN air any Panthers footage during their 10a-12p NFL Pregame? Thought they filmed some stuff this week with Ditka?
  2. Good for Finnegan to pull Norman away. Norman's going to get us in trouble one of these days
  3. If you're referring to this Grammy Award, then likely so:
  4. mmmmm, I don't know. This may or may not be true. I looked in the Northside Hospital baby registry and didn't see "15" listed.
  5. Well, MY best friend's sister's boyfriend's brother's girlfriend heard from this guy who knows this kid who's going with a girl who saw Cam pass out ice cream cones at 31 Flavors in Atlanta over Christmas. I guess it's pretty serious.
  6. True - as someone who can't easily obtain tix via normal means, it's sad to hear about so many seats being avail. That said... From what I understand, a stadium of people yelling (max decibel is 110-120db for a single human voice) will be louder than a stadium of seat bangers (a large drum designed for max loudness maxes at around 105db). As the BoA seats aren't designed to produce much sound when banged, it would appear that seat banging can only hurt your hand, damage the seat, and put your vocal output at a disadvantage vs if you were to only yell instead of yell+bang. ("Yell+Bang" is my new punk rock cover band)
  7. A fan is a fan, no matter where they came from. If they start as a bandwagon fan, it's our job (and the team's job) to convert them to more permanent status. Truth - many of today's hard core Panthers fans started out as fans of other teams, peeked over at what was going on at BoA (or Ericsson) liked what they saw and decided to stick around. More of this, please.
  8. That shot of the Sunday Giveaway on http://carolinahuddle.com/gameday/2015/12/28/carolina-panthers-at-atlanta-falcons/2/ is FANtastic. I'm sure the proud parents would love a copy of that, at appropriate $$ of course.
  9. I blame Cam's lack of wearing the CamGatoradeTowel(tm) towards the end of the fourth quarter. His head wasn't properly surrounded with fluffy goodness during that time, causing a rift in the football space-time continuum.
  10. From the AP wire: "All three previous NFL teams to reach 14-0 — Miami in 1972, New England in 2007 and Indianapolis in 2009 — made the Super Bowl. Only the Dolphins won the championship, though."
  11. Maybe it's time for you to adopt a different Panther for your sig?
  12. Friend of mine who's a Giants fan just texted me: " how many rings do you have, cuz?" cause all all those rings are helping them this year.
  13. Still looking for another Cam rushing TD this season
  14. I'm having no issue today .clear your ad tracking cookies from other sites, that could be a contributor.
  15. Ever notice how our D pumps up and plays better once theres a a bit of a lead established?
  16. First Roaring Riot mention on the Panthers radio network just now.... @RoaringRiot
  17. Was that jimmy Johnson wearing a Santa Dab sweater on the CHIvsMIN game clip?
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