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Everything posted by PNW_PantherMan

  1. The line is terrible but Darnold is completely blind to the pressure as well. There were a couple times a guy ran right into him, and it wasn't from his blindside. I get it that the line should be blocking most of these guys, but aren't there hot read situations where he's supposed to see that coming?
  2. Rhule should be embarrassed for signing all of them. They're only playing up to their ability.
  3. You have got to be fugging kidding me lmao
  4. Said this a few times but Tom Brady has never sat Week 17 (or the final week now) in his entire career. Didn't expect him to start this season.
  5. It makes me wonder if the playbook is just 500 pages of WR screens, cause that's all that's being called regardless of who's OC.
  6. Very true. 2010 was basically a planned lame duck year, and 2001 wasn't much better. We weren't very good the two seasons prior to 2001, but we had a decent passing game with Steve Beuerlein. However, in 2001, we decided to let him walk and throw Chris Weinke in there instead, and the rest is history. Both of those years had pretty low expectations. We should have seen some improvement this year if Rhule was going to work out.
  7. I'm personally waiting for them to blame the playbook, and say they were stuck with Brady's offense. Can't wait to see what high school playbook they come up with next year.
  8. Those numbers are surprising given we were such an excellent passing team early in the season.
  9. I misread that as Sam Darnold. My bad lol
  10. I dunno man. He's got some real arm talent, but that's about it. He can't read an NFL defense, and he doesn't have a good sense of when the pressure is coming. For as many snaps as he has with no protection, you think he would have a better feel of when a guy is running straight at him.
  11. Michael Jordan and John Miller give us the best chance to win, so we can't evaluate Deonte Brown.
  12. Its funny because later in the game they brought up the Panthers terrible 3rd quarter performances. And Matt Millen says something like "Well that's an indicator that whatever you're doing at halftime ain't working" Getting out coached every single week.
  13. Nobody else is taking that job if Rhule is still here.
  14. If Tepper is the problem it isn't gonna be over for a while.
  15. He can't catch and Abdullah is just as good if not better. He isn't the biggest problem by a long shot, but he was a waste of a pick.
  16. Nobody is going to be able to use the word "process" in this org for the next 10 years after this.
  17. Looks like it's gonna be another 7 years before Jay Z makes the playoffs.
  18. If anything, it indicates he isn't safe for next season.
  19. I don't get it. The only team that can't run against us is the Saints.
  20. Agree. Just when he's actually getting into a rhythm.
  21. I don't know what anyone sees in Chuba Hubbard. He's a literal JAG. UDFA replacement level. Doesn't help that he can't catch.
  22. His body language is terrible. His eyes basically say he's getting fired.
  23. He isn't. We're basically the NFC Texans as far as organizational disfunction. The exact thing he's trying to escape.
  24. Agree. Worth noting that Brady has never sat out the last week of the season. He will play most or all of the game and try to win by 200. It's just who he is, and there's no way he's sitting IMO.
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