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Everything posted by BurnNChinn

  1. Should of got Minshew instead of Darnold like I said before last season started and let him compete with Teddy. So for me it’s Minshew and it will be cheap and best option. No to Pickett and Willis, just keep building oliine
  2. Hey y’all forget we don’t have unlimited cap like the rest of our division
  3. So I did want Watson but now feel kinda relieved we didn’t give up all that. Also I want Rhule fired and Watson probably give him a couple years and just fug us up down the road anyway. By the way I don’t want Pickett or Willis, hell to the naw. Oh yeah my new motto for this year FireFhule2022
  4. They actually don’t have 30 mil to spend
  5. Why did y’all piss off Cobb and Inkisdry. Damn
  6. Hell someone said that this could go into the summer it don’t have to be 4. I mean nobody knows dude.
  7. Anybody got anymore or those Cobb updates. I believe that guy!
  8. Why y’all think Raiders would trade Carr lol, then they don’t have a qb?
  9. Fug that, I don’t want his Manziel ass
  10. My boo Bets, Saints out? Omg if it’s true I’m blowing up Aaron Wilson till he blocks me damnit
  11. Dude I’m so tired of seeing that man
  12. So does anyone know Julian Council he acts like we’re out and bashing Tepper
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