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Everything posted by 33inNC

  1. That is PJ's biggest problem, he is so lazy on the boards. I am so sick of him just watching when the ball is in the air.
  2. If Rhule does not can this bum, then he will go down with the ship. THIS may be where Rhule failed if he does. He has hired some questionable assistants and if he does not correct, then it is his ass. How did we get here? How is this OL this bad?
  3. It's like these guys receive little to no actual coaching on technique!
  4. WTF Brady, 1st and 15, run same shitty up the gut running play again and again. Try something new, you idiot!!
  5. DJ needs to be coached up big time. He is killing the team with these bad routes.
  6. Yet they keep trotting John Miller out there week after week unless he is injured. He physically can't play any week.
  7. Right, but he'll fire someone to save his own ass. Plus, Brady is replaceable as he has not shown that he can make a QB better.
  8. That's why you don't go soft on 3rd and long and give up yards.
  9. Can Cam play D? These guys are soft as hell today.
  10. Surely the coaching staff cannot be this stupid! Someone, anyone, please enlighten us on what they see in him! He is just the worst.
  11. Oh look, Robbie CAN catch. Sammy D is finished here, no more hospital balls.
  12. Well, WFNZ just confirmed that Matt Paradis has an ACL tear, so some of us get our wish for a new C. We just didn't want to do it this way.
  13. Yep. Starting to see that Joe Brady and the OL is the issue.
  14. Yet ANOTHER hospital ball from our "Star" QB. Sam should be cut tomorrow and Joe Brady should be fired. Enough BS, this is totally unacceptable.
  15. Agree, he brings nothing positive and is a walking mistake.
  16. Someone needs to call out the officiating, you don't call anything on the Falcons, but you call THAT???
  17. Good point, it is not like Brady has a good record with this crap though.
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