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Panthers Rhule

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Everything posted by Panthers Rhule

  1. I think Fields will be a bust. I have said it often around here. I do not think Fields will be good in the NFL. I would rather have Lance.
  2. If we drafted a QB at 8 now it would be the first move that I really didn't like this entire off season.
  3. Do you think he would fit in our scheme? I thought he was more of a man blocker. I see Leatherwood as a better fit for us. If we traded down I would think we'd look at him and then maybe try to get a guard in the 2nd. Maybe Davis or the OT Radunz? and move him to guard. We covet moving OL for our ZBS, no?
  4. Optimistic. Which is my nature but I'm more so now than usual. I really like Rhule. He seems relentless in his work. I think his staff is good too. Brady and Snow. I thought they played better last season than I expected them too. The moves this off season look smart and well thought out. I don't even hate the OL brought in. They fit our scheme and the beauty about zone blocking is as long as the guys can move, they don't have to be the best blockers they just have to get in people's way. I think the defense has the potential to put a lot of pressure on the opposing offenses which will make our secondary better. I also think Sam Darnold was a great move. Yes, he had a bad 3 seasons with the Jets, but he was thrown onto the field at only 20 years old with little experience. Never should have happened. At 23 years old I feel like we just drafted a QB except we've got tape of him playing in the NFL. I'm sure Rhule and staff already have everything worked out for him. They will immediately start coaching him and showing him what he does wrong and how to fix it. Then they will run an offense that fits his skills and give him the chance to succeed. That kid has the ability. He just needs good coaching and I think he'll have that here.
  5. I'm with you all the way dude. I'm feeling really good about the ways things are going. I'm not saying everything will be perfect but we are rebuilding a team in a way that I don't expect use to draft higher than pick 8 again for a very long time. I think we are going to have an organization to be proud of very soon. I believe this team will have Darnold clicking and our rooks from last season are only going to get better plus we now can concentrate on getting he best players for our team in this draft without worrying about which position they play. These guys have a plan and they are making it happen.
  6. Do you remember when Wilson rolled to his left and made that cross body throw during his pro day? Check this out
  7. Denver could be an option. If Lock doesn't step up then they'd have a security plan. That way they don't have to draft one and create controversy. Then they could grab a great player at 9.
  8. I don't want another Can here either. I think that's why I'm against drafting him. I might be wrong but I see that as a real possibility with him. I want a QB who can throw well. Running is a bonus.
  9. Ok, sorry for trying to bring a little positivity into your catfight. Please by all means, enjoy yourselves.
  10. My goodness, will this ridiculous argument never end? Does everyone just like fighting with other people over the internet? Isn't this what twits and facepalm is for? Can't we all just be Panther's fans and talk about how great our team is getting and how much better their going to be and forget all of this. Our heads are filled with negative BS everyday and all the time. Can't this be the 1 place some of us can escape all of that? I try to ignore it but it never stops. Let the poor horse die peeps. Our motto isn't keep beating it's Keep Pounding. The Huddle is like the world, it needs MORE love and respect, not less.
  11. I just can't get over the title of this thread. "meteoric rise" ( no offense intended at the poster) I'm pretty sure meteors don't rise but fall. Secondly, I tend to stop reading anything once I see the words "Bucky Brooks". Especially when it comes to QBs. He's terrible and he has an agenda that he promotes when it comes to QB evaluations. He's all about athleticism. If it were up to him, no kid that couldn't post a 4.60 or better would even be allowed to listed as a QB and half of the NFL would be running the Ravens' offense.
  12. I can understand that and I definitely respect your opinion and both are excellent players. The main reason I would want LT as our pick if it isn't a QB is because LT is one of the most important positions and it's one of the hardest to get. It could even be argued that it's harder to find a good LT than a good QB but it's less important. But having a good LT, coupled with Moten on the right will improve the chances of success for any QB we may have moving forward. More than Chase or Pitts would. While they may be better players than what we have at those positions, the difference isn't as great as the difference we have between our current LTs and whichever LT we could get. However, if they believe we can get a sleeper LT in the 2nd that would work really well in our scheme then going for a potential superstar at another position would make sense too. I just think LT has been a glaring weakness for us for so long and with this draft being strong at the position I would really hate it if we didn't resolve that weakness in this draft.
  13. I would also like to explain why I like both Wilson and Lance. I don't think I've done this yet around here. I believe another very important aspect of all prospects goes beyond their natural talents. It involves personalities and characteristics. As I cannot interview players I have to trust the coaches for that part but I can evaluate characteristics to some degree. Wilson has demonstrated the ability to improve. He had a good first season and then regressed a little in his second season as players will often do but he was battling an injury so it's understandable. But in his third season he showed great improvement and especially where it matters most to me in his passing and reading skills. This makes me believe that he can continue to improve and especially if he has the proper coaching. If they believe he's close to Teddy's level now, with improvement I could feel confident I have someone who will be much better moving forward. With Lance I also saw tremendous improvement but differently. He came from a small town school. He was a great athlete. Major universities did not want him as a QB for this reason. He went to NDS and was a RS and learned how to be a QB and in his first and only season was really good at it. That was a big improvement over who he was coming into University. Again, it demonstrates that he can learn and improve given time and coaching. Plus as a bonus it demonstrates a belief in his abilities. I really like that trait in a young player and especially at QB. I think both of those kids would be great here or with any team that put them into a position to succeed. That last part is so important for the majority of QB prospects. I think Carolina would offer Wilson and Lance a great opportunity to become good NFL QBs.
  14. I won't discuss Lawrence as he's a Jaguar. Not doubts about it. Of the remaining "top 5" prospects, I honestly only want to of them For the Panthers. Wilson and Lance. If we traded up with the Jets I would be thrilled as long as we don't give more than the 49ers did to get 3. I think Wilson would flourish with us and quickly, I really do. Or I'd prefer to take Lance at 8 but if necessary I'd be ok with moving up 1-3 spots for him. I think he would flourish here as well but would need a little more time probably. However, long term he may be the better of the 2 for us. I don't think Jones is a good fit as we don't want a game manager. Fields has some qualities that we'd want, definitely more than Jones but I just don't think he will be able to do all the things we will be asking him to do in this offense. Listening to the interview it seemed to me that Cosell wasn't really high on him either. After years of a great athlete but average QB I don't want that again. I think Lance's QB skills are much better and that's why I'd would take him over Fields. If our only choice was Fields or Jones at 8, I would honestly pass on both and either get my LT or trade down a few spots and still get my LT. For me it's Wilson, Lance or LT. Anything else and I will be ok but not really happy.
  15. Actually, I just found this interesting little chart of QBs in SBs and their Unis SB QB + Unis BYU is actually tied for third most going 2 for 2. Only Alabama and Purdue are better at 3 for 3 each. ND is 2 for 3 and Stanford is also 2 for 2
  16. Plus Jim McMahon and Steve Young came from BYU too. Both won Super Bowls. So it's not like he's a reach just because he comes from BYU.
  17. Yeah, They cut Pennington's career short. If I were a QB and the Jets wanted to draft me in the first round to start right away I would refuse. Better to sit out a year than lose a career playing for them. There are a couple od Franchises that have a history of killing QBS and for me, until they prove differently by making a veteran work somewhat I'd want no part of them. Jets are definitely one. Bengals are another, Cleveland was till maybe recently but will see on that one. This season I wouldn't want to go to Texas or the Lions plus the Jets. Those would be my 3 no thanks. Giants would make me unhappy as well.
  18. Yes you're right. Mahomes likes to improvise. You could even say he's at his best when he improvises. When I watched the SB I also saw that show a sign of being a potential weakness for him long term though. When things got tough he was looking to improvise every down. Of course, he was getting a lot of pressure but by the 2nd half he was scrambling or looking to scramble instead of looking downfield too early. He's the most exciting QB in the league by far but I'm curious to see how he moves forward from that game. He reminds me of Wilson and he and the Chiefs could follow that same path that the Seahawks have. He also reminds me of an even older QB who was better when he was running around, Fran Tarkenton. He's way more athletic but has that same playing style.
  19. The Panthers are trading with the Jets. The deal has already been worked out. That's why the 49ers took Miami's 3rd. But it's not for Darnold, it's for the 2nd pick. It's a new age on Long Island. They are finally going to do the right the thing. Panthers will have pick 2 in the 2021 draft and Wilson is going to be our path to glory. Everyone get ready to be excited.
  20. Welcome to 2021!!! Nothing makes sense anymore. I've already given up trying to understand anything.
  21. Chinn is great but in know way would I say I'd rather have him than Justin Herbert. Definitely moving up 2 spots last season and drafting Justin Herbert is the missed move that sticks in my head the most right now considering how much time we've all spent discussing QBs the last few months.
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