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Panthers Rhule

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  1. This is dumb. Do you honestly think we'll get another chance anytime soon? If this team relocates we'll probably never get another one.
  2. Yeah, at 6-6 he isn't a NT. NT in this type of defense for be max 6-2. He's DE for sure
  3. I personally like this signing. I'm also happy to know that we ain't done yet this off season. I expect more to come.
  4. I'm not that familiar with Penny but his stats are great. The problem is injuries so doesn't he fit in really well as a tool to be used sparingly but for the right jobs? He has injury problems so you don't want him running too many times a game which is fine because with already have Chuba and just drafted Brooks but Penny could be the 3rd and short guy or 4th quarter run it down your throat with the lead guy, no? I don't see him as just depth but another potential weapon that if used correctly could be a very nice piece. He won't have to run the ball 20 times a game here. Mix him into the rotation lightly and use him when you want to pound the defense.
  5. I spit coffee out my nose when I saw this the next morning as I wasn't watching. Not because of the player but because of the execution and who did it. They had to know that the odds of their QB being their at 8 was extremely high and yet they still brought in Cousins and paid him a fortune to be there. Apparently, I'm not there so I don't know, he was also told they are win now which to me makes sense as they have a good roster in general. I could understand it if hey hired a much cheaper journeyman to run this season to give Penix a year to grow into the system but Cousins? That makes zero sense to me and I honestly feel sorry for Penix. That is a horrible way to start his NFL career and it's not his fault. The only thing I have against him is that he's now a Falcon. However, at this specific moment, he's my favorite Falcon. Muhahaha
  6. Yeah, I'm with you here. Nothing is 100% but so far I've been impressed by our new leaders. I thought the draft moves were great. I can't believe we got a 2nd next season and still got our targets with our first 2 picks. That was badass. Morgan is a dawg too. We can't forget that. Just look at those eyes. Morgan is intense.
  7. Excellent post. Before yesterday I hadn't posted in about 2 years. I just popped in every once in a while to get updates. A couple of guys around here are excellent at that and one is funny as heck. Then there's MHS831, when I do pop in I always check out your threads. I really appreciate your takes and how you explain them and also the effort you put into it. Plus, your a class act. Grade: A I also came here to mention the UDFA C I understand we signed. I've read that he was ranked in the 6th round for what that's worth. He had a solid career and has traits that are special. He needs to be developed but he has potential and his strength is run blocking and his athleticism fits what we want to do offensively I think. I think he was a late draft target that they believed was safe so they drafted other players and picked him up after the draft instead. If so, that's smart and very disciplined. Here's a report on his strengths: SCOUTING REPORT: STRENGTHS Raym is a work in progress with high-end physical traits. He’s extremely light on his feet for a 300-pounder, a natural knee bender who plays with balance and leverage. Solid positional run blocker who flashes the nasty demeanor and killer instinct scouts covet. Shows a good feel for combo blocks, and Raym displays good quickness and flexibility when moving to the second level, capable of sealing the back side on reach blocks He’s a coordinated athlete who can win at the point of attack in the run game, and he can also move to consistently land blocks at the second level. Has the strong leg drive to create movement at the line of scrimmage, consistently putting defenders on the ground. Finishes and doesn't quit; competitor with a positive attitude and leadership traits that coaches admire. He's a dawg. Badass. I think his skills fit what we want to do too. This kid has the potential to be a stud for us. It's true we didn't draft him but we still got him. So, if it's really a big deal, just imagine that we had an extra 6th and drafted this guy there. He was valued there so it's a good pick. In my mind, we got a good center this draft, even if we didn't draft him. We signed him just the same.
  8. I don't care about media anymore nor do I want to get all excited about a player or coach. I'll be happy when I can see real signs of an organization all on the same page. Last year was bad. Total dysfunction. Even though I won't get excited about any new moves anymore, I also won't bash them. What and who will work I have know idea but I'll welcome the change and save my judgement of it all when it ends. At this time, my biggest wish is that they change the dang helmet. That sparkle silver is just plain ugly. I know black is a popular alternative but it should be just that. An alternative. Our main helmet should be white. A white helmet with the black panther outlined in blue matched with our blue jerseys would look sharp. Then in winter we can introduce the black unis hopefully when we're ready to make a playoff run.
  9. I'm going to give my 2 cents after a long hiatus. I'm not going to focus on the player's ability as I can now admit that I don't really know so much about that. I will focus on the way the draft was run based on said objectives and how those objectives were obtained. It's not based on what I wanted but what they said they wanted. Whether or not that's a good thing remains to be seen but Dan Morgan was a bad ass on the field and I'm happy with the idea of looking for badasses moving forward. I know the key word is dawgs but I have to deal with key words in my work all the time and they make me sick so I'll just use old terms like badass. I wasn't high on Legette, I wanted another but he was gone so it doesn't matter. I understand why they wanted him and they got him. More importantly to me is the way they got him. People like to say it was for the 5th year option but I doubt that was the main reason because if he's really good they will want to sign him long term and not use that tag as it's expensive anyway. It's more of an emergency thing and usually not a good sign of a healthy relationship. It was more likely because someone else wanted him and we knew it so we used our connections to move up and take him from another team. Yes, we traded up but it cost us practically nothing overall. A (We got our target) Next, I would like to include the part of the draft that impressed me most. Whether or not the pick was right or wrong I have know idea yet and neither does anyone else but these moves were brilliant. Morgan traded pick 39 for 52 and 155 PLUS a 2nd next season. I know people say a second next year has a 3rd year value this year and that's true but next year it has a 2nd round value and for a team without a 2nd round pick that's huge even if it's likely later in the round. For a team rebuilding that's great. Even better, is they then traded up at a low cost, once again increasing draft value to get their 2nd target and it worked. Again, I'm not judging the pick but the execution. It appears that they had targets early in this draft and they got both of them and at the same time improved next season draft and put themselves in position on the board to grab other targets even if from this point on it's not the primary target necessarily at that pick but someone they are ok with but they got their first 2. A (drafted first 2 primary targets and improved this year's draft and next years) At this point, I assume it becomes more difficult to pinpoint specific targets as they did in rounds 1 and 2. However, it looks to me like once again they worked this out well overall. The next trade back may have cost them their 3rd target and they may have had to take the back-up pick here. I don't know how they valued the LBs but I think it's possible that they selected their 2nd choice here but, because of what they get next from that trade , it was worth it to them. Instead of 1 player they wanted as a primary target, they got the back-up 3rd pick target and still got their 4th primary target. Meaning they got their 2nd LB target but still got their primary TE target instead of getting only one primary target at one position. IMO, this is when we can really see how each trade was well thought out to give the Panthers the best chance to improve the roster with their guys. Again, it's not an evaluation of the players themselves but what they wanted. Although this time I will say that I LOVE the Sanders pick personally and the fact that they could get him and a much needed LB in this part of the draft is better than I had hoped for. B+ (I don't think they got their first target at LB but got their 2nd and yet still got their first target at TE and) The last 3 picks are usually anyone's guess and I think the last 2 are just that. Throw a hail mary and maybe you score a TD. But I think the 5th pick is from the 25 yard line instead of the 50. It's still a long shot but possible which is why we ran a play to get us here for 1 shot instead of 2 from further away. I can understand both lines of thought but I'm partial to percentages and therefore I agree with the process that got us the pick here as I think this player has a chance. Could we have got a player with a better chance of being our long-term nickle in draft? Probably. Would I take that player over either of our previous 2 picks? Absolutely not. LB and TE are more important to me than nickle db. It's a 5th rounder so if he looks bad we can try again but if he shows promise, which I think is possible in this defense then day 3 is at least a FG. The last 2 picks are throws from the 40 or 45 after a penalty but if either one hits the board then day 3 was a TD. B- (I upped the score because the trades that improved day 2 hurt day 3 but overall I think the moves were good value so I increased the day 3 rating from a C to a B-) Overall, A-. I think Morgan did a masterful job targeting specific players, which I approve of, and manipulating trades to acquire those players. I'm actually very impressed.
  10. Yeah, but Rhule is hated and loathed now by the whole site. That's tough to deal with. I'm asking for a mercy decision from the powers that be. It's not a stupid name or old name. Rhule is literally hated.
  11. I could use some help. I joined this site right when Matt Rhule was made head coach. As many of you know I'm a homer. I admit it and I try to be a positive guy in general and I do believe in giving people a fair chance. So, I spent almost a year of my life defending this guy, this team and everything else. I criticized other for being so negative and although I do still prefer positivity, I have to admit that I was completely wrong and my good intentions were unfounded. So now, I eat my crow. The problem I have now is that the name I chose, while full of enthusiasm for the future of this team now makes me sick. The first help I need is to know or ask if there is any way that I could please change my name? Mods? My second problem is what should the new name be. I'm usually creative but at this moment I have zero inspiration. I need a new name if they will let me change my current name. I'm open to ideas. Post your new name here and whichever one gets the most honest support I'll use if I'm allowed to change. I would hope that any name's given will come from people who have actually talked and interacted with me over the last 3 years. Cheers and please help. I don't want to see Rhule or Rule when I log in anymore. Thanks, and I guess there's always next season.
  12. What hurts the most is knowing the Bills organization was in ours. That could have been us.
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