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About dxpanther

  • Birthday 01/01/1985

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  1. Yikes! I guess I'm the only one that thinks ejiro has been working miracles with this joke of a roster. Literally no one over 6 sacks here.
  2. Before that hit Cam was on pace for a season better than his MVP run. Think about it.
  3. but he finds them in the end zone. i'll take the bad if that's the good. he's been fairly clutch so far.
  4. Listening to him speak and you get a feeling he's very much the opposite of Bryce. Almost a "chip on his shoulder" mentality. I've seen videos of him poo talking shedeur to his face during a throw around. Crazy competitive, it reminds me Smitty and Thomas Davis.
  5. I like hunt and brown, can we keep them? And moton?
  6. We benched Bryce two games in to the season. We'll fire canales two games in to next season. May be a wild take but it could actually happen.
  7. and here comes the turn. might as well start a thread about who's going to be our next head coach in 2025
  8. are we really putting the coach on the hot seat, 5 games in with basically a 2nd string roster? is our fanbase a reflection of tepper or is tepper a reflection of our fanbase?
  9. i used to hate jerry richardson's policy on firing coaches mid-season but i think i can understand the reasons behind not doing it now. It really makes your organization appear dysfunctional and unattractive to potential candidates.
  10. shoot i'll take andy over jones for next year. I dont see dalton getting a shot to start anywhere else and in an offense he's already familiar with.
  11. yep that what we said after last season too but really the fanbase only gives a few games before they start getting the pitchforks and torches. so why is bringing in daniel jones a smart idea? lets start all over on another bad decision disaster? literally our only move right now is to ride out this terrible year and hope people can start getting healthy and more familiar with whatever system is in place and grow. find more "dawgs" in the offseason.
  12. people out here crapping on front office decisions and then propose we get daniel jones to save us. incredible.
  13. Panthers fans not rooting against the falcons don't understand what's at stake. They are defacto rivals until one of us wins a Superbowl. There is no way in hell I want to be the only team in the NFC South without a ring. That would truly be rock bottom. Falcons must be stopped no matter the cost. Root against them until they are officially out of the playoffs race and then wish they win every game after. just to hurt their draft pick. Die a slow death falcons.
  14. I can't believe an offseason move actually worked!! money well spent.
  15. i never want to see another panthers rookie qb touch the field before the bye week. starting a qb right away is just playing against the odds. there is really no upside to it. It's not a short cut to getting experience faster because you're basically drowning the first couple games anyways and really they're likely to just get hurt or shell shocked. zero upside to risking it. houston got lucky with stroud. they could've waited until the bye week and he'd still be the same player he is now, if not better.
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