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Everything posted by glenwo2

  1. I can watch this all f'n day.
  2. Why do I get the feeling that the first mistake Sam makes in a game, the resident Trolls here will use this?
  3. Not only that but the O-Line will undoubtedly be Average(at worst) which is still LEAGUES BETTER than what he had in NY.
  4. So you're taking the "cautiously optimistic" point of view, right?
  5. oof! Who pissed in your cornflakes this morning? lol. Anyway, hope it's what Rum said and not what you said 'cause that would suck.
  6. How about Sam "The Hammer" Darnold as a tribute to his Grandfather Dick Hammer?
  7. Agreed, though I'd like it if he had single digit INTs but that's just me. eh. Last I heard, Kirk, Justin, and Ryan have brought a total of zero trophies to their respective teams despite their good-to-great numbers. But I get what you're saying, Brian. It's not unreasonable to expect close to those numbers(or even slightly above them) with the team we have for Sam Darnold to get to. Anything less would be a disappointment for what we expected, that's for sure. Hope Sam is up to the task.
  8. So are you saying is that CMC is full of sh*t?
  9. Oh I agree with this 10000%. I would be very disappointed (and alarmed) if Sam is still struggling in which case you can just write the obituary for his NFL Career as a Starting QB. But I don't see that happening with the amount of talent he's now surrounded by. Also, someone pointed out the "Average"(at worst) O-line he'll be playing behind and I must say that it's a complete and total upgrade from that garbage he was behind in NY so he'll get more time to stand in the pocket and make the throws instead of turning into the Roadrunner and Go "Beep-Beep!" and run for his life. Pretty much this. I never understood that type of entitlement that fans have where they're like "well I purchased tickets so it's now MY money they're spending". No. It's no longer YOUR money if you paid for a ticket or Season Tickets. What is yours is the Tickets; what is theirs is the Money. That is why I stated to him and others that they shouldn't concern themselves with what and how Tepper spends money on Sam. Well his Grandfather's name was DICK Hammer so.....
  10. We'll find out real soon which side gets to do its "I told you so's" to the other. The first sign is how he does overall in the OTA's. If he does well (don't see how he wouldn't), the next step is seeing what he does in Preseason games against opposing defenses(even if they're mostly vanilla). And if he does well there, the final and TRUE test is Game 1 against that piece of garbage franchise.
  11. Seem to me there needs to be an "L" between "foo" and "dude" in his name.
  12. I wonder what sharpens steel....
  13. How is that worse? Or is there some kind of inside-joke I'm not aware of....?
  14. And I genuinely don't think it's worth it to continue conversing with a close-minded fool like you nor to continue reading your posts unless I want to continue to lose more brain cells. The Ignore list is a wonderful invention, I must say. #SeeYa You've chosen to ignore content by kungfoodude. (A wonderful invention, indeed)
  15. It's still not your money, though. But you do you, I guess. *shrugs*
  16. Oh....so you want to play this "Poo" game, pal? I'm all for it.
  17. In which case, he would've earned it. I don't see how you can complain in that vein. It's not your money being spent.
  18. I remember reading somewhere that he played Wide Receiver and Linebacker in high school so yeah...he's a big boy.
  19. Well it's a good thing none of us make the important decisions around here. For instance, the belief by some that Sam would be tossed to the curb after one season like Teddy was is hilarious to me. The reason, imo, they picked up Sam's option is that they fully expect Sam to be 100% with this team that season (where he doesn't need to learn anything further from the playbook). This season is going to be more about getting himself familiar with the playbook and developing chemistry with CMC and company. At least that's my opinion on it.
  20. Would've been nice if you knocked off the pity party you've thrown for yourself, Mr. Oh-Woe-Is-Me.
  21. oh so they're either Grier disliker's or Sam Naysayers then?
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