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Everything posted by micnificent28

  1. As some one who plays it at a pretty high level..madden has made significant strides next generation. Dispite the hate it gets and some of it is warranted, saying a game like nfl 2k5 is better than madden 22 is ridiculous. Those people want some drastic change that just isn't football simulation anymore. I think they have made pretty big strides to franchise and I have been playing it since the 12th. The people who review bomb it year after year are hell bent on doing it trying to get the NFL license out of ea's hands(which I agree with) but that doesn't mean you should just crap on peoples hard work without honestly giving the product a honest look. I'm enjoying it.
  2. What in life is 100% effective? Even condoms are not 100%. Do you stop using them? Of course we would like for things to be as safe as possible but the technology just isn't at a point where we can 100% much anything. So you go with the odds. Lambda is variant from covid mutating...getting more effective at spreading and killing. This will keep happening and creating more cases all we can do is get vaccinated which lessen the chances of getting it and how sick you get when you do get it...
  3. Thats why I asked was this serious because that is exactly what they sound like. Couldn't tell if you were being satirical or serious because that's legit how they sound.
  4. This is what I mean is this serious? Hunter Biden masterminded a global pandemic to infect the entire population? What's to gain there?
  5. You ever think we might be to free? Like free to make bad decisions? What if this virus was way worse with a 99% kill rate and science medical experts were saying everyone has to take this or we all die...then you have the other side that says" I'm not taking that it's a hoax" I worry about our ability to come together for the greater good with the spread of false information.
  6. There is no hostility at all on my end. I'm just explaining the circumstances. Hard to interpret anger on the internet. I'm full glad you and your family are healthy.
  7. Didn't we learn from last season it's not like the flu in those regards? There were certain constituents saying hey its like the flu it will die from the heat or dry air.. cold or something and that really didn't have an effect at all.
  8. Same... I have a kid starting kindergarten and there is just no way you stop them from taking off mask and being safe...it's like your just waiting on them to bring it home like chicken pox or some bug.
  9. No you keep trying to minimized the effectiveness of the vaccine with your roundabout method. Yes the vaccine isn't 100% but as stated above there is a huge difference in hospitalization and contracting the virus up to 40% in the worst cases.
  10. Vaccines are political? If that's the case everything is. People like you who would rather be comfortable in their sheltered lofty lives who have the entitlement to hide from issues. The I don't want to hear about whats going on in the world crowd it makes me uncomfortable as I watch my football crowd. If it offended you chances are it hit its marker crowd.
  11. I feel some people believe the body is equipped to just handle any situation that pops up. That's not always true. Many viruses Aids ..Ebola things like that have a almost guaranteeded death tag tied to it without scientific intervention. Viruses are said to be smarter than people in some aspects. They are always evolving and mutating to adapt to a ever changing world. Bacteria have mutated to be immune to many medications and you have people still saying..."let nature run its course".
  12. Let's see how your "natural antibodies" are making you invinsible. If you look at the data some 90% of hospitalized patients are unvaccinated.
  13. But da viruz is just a hoax cooked up by democrats to makes for left to wins election?
  14. Not sure why anyone thinks YGM is borderline cut? How rare is it a second rounder is cut year 2? Not to mention Gross has been fairly good. He was getting good pressure last season and I am pretty excited for him. He has tons of potential. I think he's an eventual starter and I had him starting before this fox thing.
  15. Well I lived in the north side(where uncc is) for about 7 years. It was fairly safe. Mostly young people college students and all. Plenty of decent food and verity.. however a lot has changed since then. The north side has exploded with the addition of the metro rail and a boon of northerners moving into that area... cost of rent has went up crime as well. Use to be able to rent a one bed room student dwelling for about 230 a month. Lights cable internet all included. Now...good luck. West side is probably the most notorious... there is a area along the north I would stay away from...sugar creek hidden valley... east side also isn't great... the south side is probably where all the wealthy people live.. football players and athletes.. I mean charlotte itself isn't Chicago...I dout you get shot for walking outside.. random things do occur. All and all I think he will be fine.
  16. That is not what happened here... if anything Marshall had more momentum than Carrie
  17. Yeah but you see what happened when he kept getting beat like a drum out there and who went in
  18. Which brought me to my question about robby Andersons time... was it hand clocked as well?
  19. To add to that for comparison sake. Terrance Marshall JR was said to have run a 4.4... and a 4.38..... you see how that looked today...
  20. I think that's a different aspect... thats like acceleration plus speed. What I'm talking about is is my top gear is faster than 90% of the NFLs top gear. For me that line is around 4.3 lower end speed. I mean 4.4 is considered fast by nfl measures.. when you get below that then we are talking gaming breaking speed. Anderson 4.36 is very good.. But he seems like he builds up to that speed. Like a strider.... he isn't twitchy or I catch it and I'm gone.. he has to build up to it.
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