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Everything posted by SBBlue

  1. They try to get involved just enough. No calls are easy to explain away. "We didn't see it." Lack of forward motion after the fact, no fumble, you can't hide. I think they did the Houston game dirty in the first half to keep viewers past half time in prime time. Then they let up. Here they held on until Dallas had a good lead, then had to even it up late in the game when it was out of reach. SOP.
  2. Or...now just here me out here...you guys could moderate. A moderators job is to handle cases, just like this. Just a thought.
  3. Huh? So if you play a perfect game with perfect blocks and win 90-0, then you can complain about the footlocker-rejects? Ignore on.
  4. You would have been down 21-7 at the half if your venmo to the footlocker employees didn't go through for the no-fumble/no-review/no-forwardmotion-but-we-forgot-to-whistle-for-it-call. It would had been a very different game. I'm glad you're here so everyone can see what the typical dallass fan is.
  5. I was actually seeing it as progress. The OP has been pretty negative on Darnold seeing no future for him. Now he's he's pointing to a way Sam COULD work. If WE want to take that next step and protect Sam this year, then the TT has to get back down 2.61. This is on more than just Sam. Its on WR's and their routes and Brady's scheme. OL needs to perform better. I don't know how much of the change in TT is affected by the corner back play. His 2.95 TT in Houston when they were playing zone was BAD. Dallas had better corners in tighter coverage, I can see the TT being longer. It needs to go down, for his own safety.
  6. I didn't know that. I didn't watch it. I'll edit if I can..... I took it out.
  7. Against the Jets, Sam's TT was 2.61 and he was sacked 1 time. Today Sam's TT was 2.91 and he was sacked 5 times. The OL is not great and looked BAD today, but Sam's longer TT isn't helping. Dallas's DBs are better than any we have faced and that will make it difficult to get the ball out fast. His average right now is 2.87. That is longer than David Mills, Mac Jones, Justin Fields and Taylor Heinicke's averages. If he could get back down to the Jets game TT of 2.61, he's in Wilson, Cousins, and Rogers territory. Dak and Brady are at 2.51.
  8. Where are you getting you're time to throw stats? I agree with this. These last two games it feels like he is taking longer than the first 2. Its not to excuse the line, they've looked bad the last two games, today was BAD. Teddy had 2 years in this offense before he played for us. Sam has had 5 months. Sam is also much younger than Teddy. Sam is going to get better.
  9. Don't forget all the fumbles the refs gave back to us too! /sarc. (Yes I had to put the sarc label for the boys fan.)
  10. He squad was horrible today. Turn overs have huge impact on games. We would have had the ball in Dallas territory and stopped 6 point drive. Big impact on the score.
  11. I'm not saying Dak isn't good. Philly sacked him. Why couldn't we?
  12. It was a fumble caused immediately on contact. We would have had the ball on the Dallas 43. That is 6 points Dallas wouldn't have had, and whatever points we would have scored. Had we just got a field goal it would have been 17-7 at the half, if we scored a TD 21-7. I know the ripple effect and you can't assume, but THAT WAS A FUMBLE that had a big impact on the game. Would we have been playing from behind without that SH I T call? Games are often decided on turnovers. The zebras cheated us out of one.
  13. The PI call early on DJax was BS. It was perfect coverage.
  14. Aints Oline was not considered horrible. Philly sacked Dak 4 times.
  15. We didn't get the QB any better in the 1st half, despite them having more passing yards in the first half. 103 of 188 yards passing for Dallas was in the first half.
  16. I didn't say that the loss of Horn would have no impact, in fact I agree that it hurt the D. But I didn't expect the wheels to fall off. We couldn't stop the run. We didn't get to the QB, almost at all. We have said all along, that the corners locking down receivers give the line time. Apparently our D won't work until Henderson is up to speed.
  17. I did see a lot holding, as if its an integrated strategy. But I hate to put all of the performance on that.
  18. 0 Sacks 0 Tackles for Loss 1 QB Hit 4 Passes Defensed 0 Forced Fumbles
  19. 5 sacks, 8 tackles for loss, 11 QB hits, 5 passes defended. That was awful. Worst outing yet. We are getting worse each game. It looked like the jets OL.
  20. So I saw a Smith play and didn't know we had another Smith. Sorry it was Rodney Smith. Thank you.
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