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  1. You can't properly evaluate any of these players with Bryce at QB. You can't.
  2. Sunk cost. Trying to get our money's worth out of a guy we traded so much for. It really wouldn't surprise me if it was revealed that Tepper was forcing Canales to start him.
  3. I'd take it if we gave them a 7th.
  4. Lol. Did he fug all of yalls girls before he left Carolina or what? The hate he gets here is unreal.
  5. There sure is a lot of bitterness and revisionist history in this thread.
  6. I mean you're right. That's why we get a guy like MCDC to bite Tepper's knee cap off
  7. 3-13 in 2021. Sitting at 14-5 rn and playing in the NFCCG in a few days. It might be undesirable, but there's nothing more glorious in football than turning a poo franchise around and winning the big one. The right guy can do it. Maybe a Lotta copium/hopium, but it's the only thing keeping me interested atm.
  8. Or multi tiered subscriptions like 1. Basic Peacock 2. Peacock without Ads 3. Peacock + NFL package
  9. Or the NFL stream site that takes a BITE out of the nfls wallet. dot com
  10. Disney+ is where it's at, man. Bluey and disney movies for days. Plus Star Wars
  11. Until you realize this is NFLs trial run for eventually making the entire post-season PPV on various services. It's the principle. Not the amount of money.
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