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The Saltman

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Status Updates posted by The Saltman

  1. Mods have special avi privileges.

  2. If I would've seen your reported attack I would have infracted.

  3. hope things go well with your career change. Hope you didnt take my comments about not being a panther fan to heart.

  4. meh if you want to do it for me ill pm you my account info

  5. thanks for the masturbation material

  6. My point exactly

  7. ;) btw my bday is one day before yours. Both leos, no wonder we argue with each other.
  8. i hate having to approve your profile messages.

  9. ya I did lol. it didnt take us long like a week haha

  10. i posted that before you posted the second pick

  11. a bunch of horny old men together. cant wait!!!! jk lol

  12. It would have been awesome. I is Sad

  13. Goddamnit insult me you piece of shiit.

  14. family is good. jangler has a gif soup account me thinks.

  15. sorry bro I stole it from google images lol

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