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Lame Duck

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Everything posted by Lame Duck

  1. I think everyone knew that except for Fitt. He’s been making some good moves for us but he’s been making poo ton of errors too. Fitt is as average as you get as GM. I’d love for him to succeed but I think his time here will be limited.
  2. Even booth dudes called it out. I’m surprised (not really) that refs were all onboard with whatever was happening. I’m certain they got a heads up that this will happen and to ignore it. There’s just no way in hell this was not scripted.
  3. That dude literally moved first on every snap and was lined up the f knows where.
  4. Ventusky is very good and in Brad I trust as well!
  5. It supposed to turn and miss US apparently
  6. Keep an eye on Idalia. It’s not turning yet so it might take a farther north path.
  7. Sounds like it could be domestic thing.
  8. Hardy was an angry man out to take people heads off. YGM is not angry enough.
  9. 100%! I just got back from keys not too long ago and the water was hot! I have never swim in the water that warm.
  10. We need a stud RB. Just having Sanders is no good. Most playoff teams have 2-3 legit RBs.
  11. Need to watch Franklin. Latest models show it doing something funky and could potentially turn toward US (very small chance).
  12. Kelvin Benjamin incoming as our new NT
  13. If we had a winning team, we wouldn’t have this discussion. Sucks to suck.
  14. I keep confusing El Niño and La Niña. You are right, El Niño should cause more wind shear but looking at the Atlantic… El Niño is slacking. Hopefully none of these will develop into a monster.
  15. It’s hot as devils anus right now with very high humidity. An absolutely perfect fuel for hurricanes in Atlantic Ocean. It’s also El Niño season which tends to allow hurricanes to hit South Eastern US as dry desert air shifts north.
  16. We lost two first preseason game by combined of 11 points and our defense only allowed 26 combined total points. You can poo all you want but you can’t hide from facts.
  17. I have been losing interest in football every year. After watching probably the worst preseason performance in franchise history, I do hope there is a miracle pill the huddle mods are selling us.
  18. This got to be the worst football team in Panthers history. Pickles did better.
  19. I’m turning this fuging garbage off. fug you, Tepper. I hate your ass and what you did to this team.
  20. Yep, same poo different coach
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