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Everything posted by BlackPanther22

  1. Okay see yeah here lately I’ve been feeling like AR is their QB2. Ever since Joe dropped that article a couple weeks ago. And I mean tbh if the team around the QB wasn’t as talented/ready to compete as we are in some spots, I might’ve been more okay with AR as the pick. But I really feel like Young gives us a chance to compete right now. Maybe the FO and Staff feel the same
  2. But again, I just don’t agree. On tape he always spends a lot of time in the pocket and probably has the best pocket movement in this class (although Richardson has really good pocket movement too). Him running around to create is the highlight reel stuff that people put in cut ups but he’s always been strong in the pocket and plays primarily from there. And yeah, sometimes he does leave pockets early and that’ll be something they’ll have to coach up but I just can’t knock a guy for evading pressure in the pocket and making more time for himself, especially when he’s been successful in doing so to this point.
  3. Man I really wish people would stop trying to act like AR is Cam reincarnated….. AR coming out is not what Cam was coming out at all. They have similar Athletic profiles, but that’s about where it stops. The year Cam got drafted he was coming off one of, if not the best single season in CFB history. AR is coming off a below average at best CFB season. As Panther fans, we probably should let go of the idea of finding the “next Cam” because he was 1 of 1.
  4. You’d have to ask Saban/O’Brien about why they structured the offense the way they did but there are numerous spots on tape where Bryce goes through a full field progression before deciding to take off and scramble to create. You’ve been framing stuff as if Bryce looks at one read from the pocket and takes off, which just isn’t the case on the tape. He plays the game from the pocket first, and scrambles to create when he needs to. Stroud is the better pure pocket passer, but to act like Bryce doesn’t play from within the pocket is kinda crazy to me.
  5. Well two things: 1. I’m not at all triggered by anything you said because it’s genuinely not that serious and I don’t know why you think people refuting/debating something you said = triggered. That’s a corny perspective. 2. I can’t speak for anybody else but I don’t mind people being objective about Bryce, because some of the concerns are real and I’ve at least acknowledged that. But I don’t see how you don’t understand that you’re doing something similar except with CJ. People defend the person they prefer, it’s okay lol. But yeah we can just agree to disagree. Nobody will know who ends up being right until these guys take their first snaps in the league.
  6. Well if your first read is always open then….yes. That’d be the case for anybody. Idk why we are acting like the Ohio State offense isn’t super QB friendly. It’s been that way for YEARS now. And like yeah, you can’t blame the QB for that but it just is what it is. There aren’t a lot of full field reads that they have to do, and there’s been data, even some posted here about how often Stroud in this case threw to his first read vs his secondary reads that support that. It’s not the end of the world but is just is what it is on that front.
  7. If you’re going off the tape then you’d see that a lot of the time Bryce created time for himself to throw because Bama’s line wasn’t as good as it typically is this year and he got pressured a lot more than he did in ‘21 and sure I’ll agree that some of the pressure is self generated but my point still stands. And let’s not act like talent on the O-Line doesn’t matter now. It’s not a knock that CJ’s line was more talented this year, it just is what it is and it’s something he benefitted from. Idk why you’re acting so mad about it lol. You can’t be mad at other people for being “biased” when you clearly have biases yourself. Like I said, we all do.
  8. Everybody on this board is biased in some way whether they wanna admit it or not lol but c’mon now, 3 of CJ’s O-linemen from this past season are probably gonna be too 100 picks (Johnson Jr, Jones, and Wypler). And we all know about the WR core being elite. There’s no bias in saying that. Bryce’s supporting cast wasn’t pedestrian either but CJ’s was better this year.
  9. Change the “Stroud’s” to “Young’s” in your statement and it’d still be true lol. There are gonna be comparisons no matter who the pick is. You just better hope the one you choose is the right one.
  10. I like Tillman, but probably not as a 2nd round pick and I feel like Herbig might be a steal for somebody as a 3-4 OLB. Don’t know much about anybody else here though.
  11. I’m super curious to see how many Corners go in the first round because if one that’s high on our board slips to 39, I’d kinda like that to be the pick. Evero’s scheme seems to rely heavily on the secondary which is why there’s been such investment into the safety spots this off-season so if we could land a corner to play opposite Jaycee that’d probably be ideal. I want another EDGE too but idk I just feel like another corner would get us right.
  12. I think the way fans have been acting towards the inclusion of Mrs. Tepper in the process from the beginning has been ridiculous tbh. I mean honestly, it comes across as borderline misogynistic half the time. She’s basically the co-owner of the team and has been involved with the business side for at least 2 seasons now. Who cares if she’s involved, because she’s well within her right to be. Also fwiw, she was very interactive with CJ on his Pro Day too if that makes y’all feel any better.
  13. I mean he hasn't taken a snap in the league yet for you to definitively say that though, that's the issue. It could, yes, but it's no way of knowing for certain yet because it just hasn't happened.
  14. If they do trade back (which I don’t see happening at this point) I do agree that it would be for AR. But I’m pretty confident Bryce will be the pick at this point because the reporting, both nationally and locally, hasn’t changed for a few weeks now. Now if something in the reporting changes next week then I’ll believe he isn’t the pick but for now, I think it’ll be him.
  15. To be fair, the NFL has rules about teams not outwardly stating who the number 1 overall pick is before draft night. I’m sure it has something to do with ratings, intrigue, etc.
  16. Imma be honest with you, your arguments are weird because you’re clearly both a size bro and a “stats are life” person as you stated yesterday. But I’ve seen your posts in other threads where you support AR and Levis who are bigger but also have worse stats (way worse in AR’s case) than both Bryce and CJ…. So what side of the coin are you arguing for? Because you dismiss stats when it’s against who or what you want to push but use them to try and push whatever agenda you have against Bryce. It’s a flawed way to debate somebody who disagrees with you lol. And again, you’re only equating upside with physical traits which is a flawed perspective. No quarterback coming out of college is a finished product, it doesn’t matter what size they are. They can always get better or even worse when they get in the league.
  17. Some of y'all on here be sounding miserable and mad over stupid stuff lol. Dude is probably getting paid by brands to do this and he probably has agents that facilitate stuff like this. It doesn't mean he doesn't wanna work on his craft or doesn't aspire to be a great QB. That's a lame ass narrative. My sentiment would be the same if any of the top 4 were in this position doing media pre-draft. It's not that serious.
  18. You sound like the people who used to say stuff like this about Cam. These dudes can be multifaceted ya know.
  19. There should be a laughing emoji reaction on this board, some of y'all on here are funny lmao.
  20. I'd guess two things mostly: 1. He's the biggest name in the draft (no pun intended lol) 2. He's probably going to be the number 1 pick so it's probably largely centered around that.
  21. Well this isn't true at all but ight man you got it lol. No sense in continuing to go back and forth with you when your mind is made up on the kid. I hope if we pick him and he turns out to be really good that you still ain't on here acting like this lol
  22. Hey, for whatever reason he doesn't believe in tape lol. Stats are life as he says. For every video like this, there's another 3 or 4 talking about how good Bryce is. I personally subscribe to QB school for breakdowns, he doesn't really have bias and hey, JT was actually an NFL QB. Bryce isn't without flaws but c'mon man lol
  23. Ehhhh idk. I've seen it debated on as far as if accuracy can be taught. Cam for as much as I love him, still dealt with accuracy issues as he got older so I wouldn't be so sure it's just something that can be 'fixed'. With AR you're somewhat banking on Josh Allen level progression which was an anomaly in its own right and really hasn't been duplicated since. Also, do we really want to run our QB a bunch again? I like a rushing QB as much as the next guy but building a running game around your QB would lead to them getting hurt eventually, which is the same thing you're worried about with Bryce. As long as Bryce can scramble and get yards when the situation calls on it (which has been shown on tape) then who cares if we don't run Read Option 15 times a game lmao.
  24. Processing, playmaking, throwing with anticipation. All traits I'd say he's the best at in this class. You can disagree and that's fine but just going around and reading scouting reports on him, those are things he consistently gets higher marks on than his peers in this class. It's funny to me that ceiling is always aligned with physical traits. AR obviously hasn't reached his ceiling, I agree with that and he can get better for sure but so much of excelling in the NFL is about the mental stuff. Which again is something AR can probably do too but we've seen the big strong guys with amazing physical traits flame out before because they couldn't catch up to the speed and mental side of the game. Bryce's might not have the highest physical ceiling but as he continues to develop, his ability to process and dissect defenses will grow and allow him to become an even better player. Because you can big as big or throw the ball for as far as you want but if you don't ever catch up on the mental side of the game it won't matter. Plus, the kid is 21, I believe he'll be able to put on a little bit more mass in a NFL conditioning program as he grows into his adult body.
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