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Everything posted by Anybodyhome

  1. The Panthers opted for Rhule while Sean McDermott was cleaning out his desk. Just look at all the player and personnel decisions made over the past 3 years- the win percentage is horrendous.
  2. Because it's too cold to go fly fishing right now.
  3. Here's the whole thing. Watching the best in the league and Aho owning them all....
  4. I've been told many times over the years I'm pretty good at stuffing a sausage.
  5. Wow, that's not what I took away from Albom's article. "Chase an NFL job?" Really? The Vikes contacted him, not vice versa. “There was a tugging at me that I was once that close to a Super Bowl and I didn’t get it. Some NFL jobs came open. I was contacted by the (Minnesota) Vikings. “For better or for worse, it was something I wanted to explore. I went in thinking, ‘I’m gonna have 100 percent conviction on this, and if they (Minnesota) have 100 percent conviction on this, then it’s something I’m gonna do.” How does any of what he said get translated into chasing an NFL job or I'm just gonna take my ball and go home? C'mon, I don't like Harbaugh at all, but again, the Vikes asked him, he went into the interview committed and there simply wasn't a match. So what? They asked him- not him begging the Vikes or "chasing an NFL job."
  6. I grew up a Raiders fan and and always wish them well, but Josh McDaniels is a fugging putz. I don't know how the Derek Carr - McDaniels chemistry will work, but they're completely different philosophically.
  7. This was done many years ago, but I honestly don't know if it's still a thing. Stephen Davis was one of the first when he came back to apprentice with the Panthers a couple years after his retirement. Wiki says he was the "minority coaching intern" during the 2010-11 season.
  8. Read this op-ed from less than 2 years ago. Couple excerpts below. Of particular note is the statement I bolded... https://profootballtalk.nbcsports.com/2020/05/16/on-the-rooney-rule-nfl-considers-swapping-punishment-for-reward/ When it comes to compliance with the Rooney Rule, the NFL has all but ruled out using a stick. So it may try a carrot instead. By devising a proposed system that would reward teams for creating opportunities for minority coaching candidates via enhanced draft standing, the league is essentially admitting that its unwillingness to punish those who make a mockery of the letter and/or spirit of the Rooney Rule requires an approach based on creating an incentive for making personnel moves with race in mind. This proposed expansion of the Rooney Rules represents a major break from the standard that requires teams to interview at least one minority candidate for a vacant job; the new approach, if adopted, actually gives teams a tangible benefit for hiring a minority candidate. On one hand, this is what it has come to for the NFL. The owners individually, and thus collectively, often decide on the next coach or G.M. before the hiring cycle even commences. In most cases, the pre-ordained choice is a non-minority, making it difficult if not impossible for a viable minority candidate to have a fair chance at getting the job. If the owners simply aren’t going to walk the talk and if the league is going to look the other way when, for example, the Texans fire a white G.M. with the goal of hiring another white G.M. and give perfunctory interviews to a pair of non-white G.M. candidates to comply with the letter of the Rooney Rule before hiring no G.M. at all because they couldn’t get the white G.M. they wanted, the situation won’t change. On the other hand, the proposal encourages owners to make decisions based on a legally protected characteristic. Race should never be an issue in a hiring decision, whatever the race of the person being hired. Although the litigation risk is low (no coach will trade his career in a 32-company industry for the right to sue), it’s wrong (and illegal) to make hiring decisions based in whole or in part on the race of the applicants. And yet the league’s proposed expansion of the Rooney Rule expressly encourages it. ----------------------------------------- "No coach will trade his career..." Wanna bet?
  9. Doesn't the league have to approve names? Did no one think to..... never mind, they have to live with it.
  10. Do they actually have to have in-game experience to be counted? I mean, there are 7 guys on the roster who never set foot on the field and, therefore, didn't fug up a single thing all year.
  11. Was a decent sitcom in the day for network TV. Of course, who can forget Lonnie Anderson...
  12. Leadership and management are not interchangeable terms and one should not be confused with the other.
  13. How about that Pesce diving save? Wow. Nice win going into the break. SJ wasn't giving up anything in the middle of the ice.
  14. I've gotten to a place where I can watch on my phone so I'll be checking in.
  15. Is James Reimer going to remind us that we probably should not have let him go?
  16. What the hell is going on here guys? I'm out of pocket again tonight missing the game but checking the scores regularly.
  17. I like starting Raanta tonight because they'll need a stout Freddie in net tomorrow in the back-to-back.
  18. When your wife commits you to a social obligation on hockey night:
  19. Sorry, guys, I'm out tonite. Have a pre-scheduled social obligation that only crippling myself, getting to the ER, being treated and released before the game will get me out of.... I may have to sneak an earbud on the off-side of my wife during dinner so I can listen. Don't get me wrong, she's as much a Canes fan as any of us, but there are times, if you know what I mean. It's Whaler Night! Keep The Good Starts Going: Carolina has gotten off to strong starts in their last four contests, each time showcasing at least a strong suit of scoring early or shutting down their opposition from the get-go. One week ago today against New Jersey, more on that in a minute, they scored twice in the game's opening 5:44. Then, in the other three games, they've held New York, Vegas and Ottawa to a combined 16 shots in the opening 20 minutes. Get It Right Back: As mentioned above these two teams met one week ago today in Newark. Carolina had a unique travel situation, as they did not partake in their usual day-before travel due to a snowstorm in Wake County. So they traveled to New Jersey the day of the game and that night things did not go their way. Teuvo Teravainen did not play due to a lower-body injury and the group as a whole defensively was not very strong, as they'd allow seven goals over the course of the night. Fortunately for Carolina they don't have to wait long to try and avenge their loss though. Working Overtime: In both of their last two games played the Canes have needed more than regulation to get the job done, taking down Vegas in overtime on Tuesday and then winning their first shootout of the year over Ottawa on Thursday. Fantastic Freddie: Canes All-Star netminder Frederik Andersen has been the star of the show lately. He is 12-1 in his last 13 outings, ranks second in goals against average (GAA) with his 2.06, tied for second in wins with his 23, third in save percentage (SV%) with .927. Additional Notes: Milestone Watch: Brady Skjei will play in his 100th game as a Hurricane tonight. Derek Stepan is two points shy of 500 for his NHL career.
  20. That was a bullshit call any way you look at it. It was OT and it was Jacob Slavin, a blue-liner who has taken maybe 5 penalties in his entire life. If it's that close, the benefit of the doubt goes to the player. Sure, technically by the book, it was a hook, I guess. But c'mon, OT and Slavin? Very few refs in the league are making that call.
  21. During the last 5 minutes or so while I was watching the game last night, I began thinking about Carolina's losses as I certainly expected another at the hands of the Sens. The Canes have 9 losses/2 OT losses: Florida (2), Philadelphia, San Jose, Seattle, Ottawa, Vancouver, Washington, Dallas, Columbus and New Jersey. Any idea how many of those opponents have winning records? How about 4- Florida, San Jose, Washington and Dallas. We hear the phrase tossed around the NFL schedule every week- good teams win the games they're supposed to. If that same phrase were to be repeated in the Carolina Hurricanes circles, there might be some head scratching. When 6 of the 9 losses at this point in the season are at the hands of sub-.500 teams, these may come back to haunt the Canes when it comes to home ice advantage in the playoffs. Is it a mental let-down after going to town on 2 of the league's best teams in the Rangers and Bruins, followed by an OT win against Vegas that the next games against the Senators, Devils, Kraken and others are hard to mentally get up for?
  22. Boy, they pulled that out of their ass. Anderson gets all 3 stars because no one else showed up tonite...maybe Svech in the shootout.
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