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Everything posted by Anybodyhome

  1. True. But this fan base believes Sam Darnold is a crap QB, regardless of the O-line. On the other hand, the same fan base believes Cam Newton's issues are because of the O-line. Just depends on the weather, I guess.....
  2. The current Panther D may be the most overrated they've ever been.
  3. I'm curious why Pittsburgh let the Conner go? He looked like a legit player and can catch out of the back field. Between him, Kirk and Hopkins at WR, what more does Arizona need? Granted, the end of the game was horrible- everything about Arizona's clock management when they recovered the on-side kick was brutally inept.
  4. Because Tampa Bay would find a way to field a team with a $120M in salaries.....
  5. Cole & Smith have played left & right D and I expect that to be the deciding factor before putting Chats on the left side where he has no experience. Late news last night said Aho & Jarvis are in Vancouver for 10 days, likely to miss 6 games. I know this is a team effort, but it was painfully obvious who was out of the lineup against Vancouver. I don't do social media, but I'm sure there's more accurate and up to date info since 11PM last night.
  6. Aho & Jarvis live together and Calgary is shutting it down with 6 players out.
  7. Both were left in Vancouver. This team is in trouble if RBA can't put together 3 decent lines. I thought the team announced 100% vaccination, not that it's a bullet-proof vest, but that many breakthrough cases? Anyone know how many guys have to go down before they can postpone games?
  8. My 3rd deployment in the Navy was 1979 and we got stuck in Japan for 2 1/2 months, so I got a part time job in a local beer bar working 6 to midnight. Every night the place was full of guys still in their suits and ties just getting tore up on red beer (beer & tomato juice) to the point they could hardly walk. Every night, over & over. And these weren't guys out to have a couple drinks and laugh and joke with their buds. These were guys on a mission. It was, "My life sucks, my job sucks and all I do is work, drink, go home drunk and go back and do it again." It was fugging depressing to watch that poo every night.
  9. I think they've already left and, if Aho did get quarantined, we would have heard by now.
  10. Chatfield has 7 games with the Canes now. Not sure how that plays into the mess, but can't he be reassigned to Chicago? Also, what the heck are the plans for Jake Gardiner? He's costing this team $4M this year and next.
  11. They are both out of the league's protocol and can rejoin the team, however they were quarantined and, much like Ethan Bear was confined to a hotel room in San Jose and didn't have his legs back for a couple days after being released, TDA and Pesce might be the same. That being said, I don't know when they were officially released from protocol and there's a chance they've been on the ice for a couple days while the Canada trip was wrapping up for the rest of the team.
  12. So, the Canes lost a tough one Sunday night. Hey, they're down 2 top defensemen and their top scorer was out with an illness. It's been a week of late night hockey games as the western Canada road trip winds down, so I missed the second half of the game last night. But, what I find refreshing and important is when the Canes lose a game, it's not the end of the world and this board doesn't fill up with pages of threads calling for coaches to be fired, trade players, cut players, stop going to games, stop watching games, stop caring about the team, burn down the stadium, etc. like another message board does here on a weekly basis. Thank you all for remaining civil, remaining calm and enjoying the game. Thanks for supporting the Canes and keeping a positive attitude going forward, knowing they're going to lose a game on occasion. I'll lurk and occasionally post something sarcastic on the Panthers board, but it's gotten as toxic and nasty as the Tinderbox. It's a game, folks.
  13. Hulu is carrying it as well. I don't have Hulu or ESPN+, so I hope it's on DirecTV somewhere.....
  14. I really like Bear on this roster. Great fit and he's playing very well. Canes totally outplayed Vancouver. That should not happen and this should be a pretty easy win.
  15. Off goalies foot after the high stick? Vancouver touched it after Svech high sticker. That's a good goal.
  16. Been going around the locker room. Same thing that held Bear out the other day.
  17. I watched about 10 minutes of the Panther game. Waste of time. I want to see Rodgers, Mahomes, Herbert, Josh Allen, Murray playing QB. That's fun to watch football.
  18. You know that subtitle you've got for the Tinderbox forum? "This place is awful. You have been warned." Maybe you should be using a variation of that for this board: "This organization is awful. You have been warned."
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