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Everything posted by rippadonn

  1. NFL storyline if I ever heard one. More powerful than actually being the better team.
  2. Dave Tepper! You ARE now a doctor in my book!
  3. Yeah, veteran leadership will take this offense a lot farther. Especially with the Panther GOAT leading the way. F' all the naysay
  4. Ok, passed on Hurndog going to get Justin Herbert as his first QB, no to Jordan Love, no to veteran Cam, passed on Justin Fields, Mac Jones, Kyle Trask, Kellen Mond. Dude doesn't have a clue about QB. Instead he gave TB big money then got fleeced by the Jets. You may like him and defend him but those mistakes are indefensible.
  5. Missing the clutch gene. You've got to be a raging fire, unwilling to back down or give up. Jake had it.
  6. I'll say one thing, this Panther team is no longer a distraction for it's fans on Sunday. You need stars/entertainers to fill seats, and entertainers are distracting. A team of Joe's just won't cut it in the entertainment market. We can go watch LaMelo.
  7. Me neither and I totally can see the guy in over his head. This is a ball of suck rolling down a snow covered hill getting bigger and bigger and bigger. Villagers better run.
  8. Cam is an easy target. Doesn't deserve the hate. The Carolinas still love him though. That will never change. Me, I'll always root for the underdog and he is that. He was never coddled nor carressed by the NFL like others. Heck, Sam Darnold get ticky tacky flags thrown for him that Cam couldn't get if he'd been knocked the f' out.
  9. Come, come now. THE only coach who knew how to use Cams skillset almost to perfection was Rod Chudzinsky. Everyone since has been trying to fit a round peg in a square hole. Shula and NE were trying to make him comform to traditional this and that. Newton is not and will not be traditional. Chud let Cam be Cam.
  10. C'mon. The NFL has hated Cam since day one. He was a problem when he arrived trucking LBs and CBs, running like a gazelle in the open field, if not that, throwing bombs to Smitty then Teddy Ginn. He was bigger than your guy, a man among boys and they hated every minute of the Panthers dabbing and celebrating. He/this had to be stopped at all cost even if the refs had to not protect the man especially not in the pocket. Panthers history 102
  11. Yes, Zod said the man is pissed, and so is most of the fanbase. Not looking good for inept Rhule. There is nothing he can do between now and next season to overcome the blunders. He can't control veterans unless they played for him in college and he can't control or improve his OC. You have to be able to lead grown men. You either can or can't. He hasn't shown that ability. He runs from it.
  12. Tepper hasn't had a winning season in now 4yrs of ownership. He hasn't gained patience since being here and wasn't patient to begin with. When Zod said he's heard whispering of fury building up, I believe it. Not for long.
  13. The smartest coach in the NFL was determined to show NFL coaches that they didn't know what they were doing with Sam. Jets, Dolphins are terrible at drafting QBs that's the truth.
  14. Good point. Jake had the heart of a lion and just wouldn't back down or curl up into a ball. Clutch is a great word. Tommy Jane Jake was a sht show. It takes time for guys to heal from arm/shoulder injuries. The Colts gave Andrew Luck all the time he needed yet he quit on them. Jake and Cam were never quitters, they would never back down from a challenge. That's why they are and probably will remain the best Panther QBs in history. These guys don't grow on trees.
  15. Dude can't win in the NFL with that college mentality. You can't outscheme the NFL fraternity. You need that fraternity to help you win. Outsiders don't do well. He's not a pro coach. Better to figure it out now and move on.
  16. Not NFL material. Doesn't value the QB position. Deer in headlights. College coach for sure. You cannot fear "stars" or veterans other than Baylor/Temple guys in your NFL locker room.
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