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Everything posted by raleigh-panther

  1. Panthers need to move on from Horn …and if they aren’t, then they needed a serviceable backup…it’s not like horn’s history of non contact issues wasn’t known to them …and if in any world they think Henderson is it, I have grave concerns they must know of as they didn’t pick up his option I swear when Henderson refused to tackle the Falcons Rb after Luvu’s whiff, I came out of my damned skin that guy has no head or heart for high school football much less the NFL they best pray that the front 7 becomes all world and the offense is able to keep the other team’s offense off the field or it’s going to be a very, very long year.
  2. Don’t feel too bad for them..with the panthers pick and their own, they will have plenty QBs to choose from next year
  3. Yep ive had two knee replacements and the worst part post surgery is keeping those hamstrings stretched…for the rest of your life
  4. Yep he is a great athlete but he has too many non contact injuries …artificial turf added to it old saw ‘next ability. Is availability’
  5. Sick of Horn Guarantee it’s the same issue he had injuring himself in a work out this summer
  6. being 0 and 2, in the division no less, to start the season is quite a buzz kill for the Panthers’ faithful We have a supposed ‘all star’ coaching staff. Here’s hoping they figure it out and pull one out on Monday night its the same brain trust that approved personnel on the team so onus is clearly on coaches to make it work meanwhile, ESPN has the Panthers and ABC has the Steelers…network hedging their bets …ABC gets the ‘A’ broadcasting team…ESPN, the ‘B’ so there is a bright spot of not having to listen to Buck and Aikman
  7. Throwing on first down would’ve helped a lot that play calling was very predictable when you have their safety saying it out loud, you know where the issues are, predictable play calling and no fear of any starting receiver within that play calling to get separation or over the top if that does not get addressed with better scheme, it’s going to be a very, very long season
  8. This receiver room is going to struggle all year Has Chark ever had a year that he did not miss multiple games ? Thielen is not what he used to be and Terrance seems to not have a brain to save himself…rule 1 for receivers….never ever stop on your route…rule two, come back to your QB when he is in trouble….these concepts are just too much for him I’m just so perplexed at what the personnel people are doing here…,add to it what appears to be no mid level depth on routes…for the love of god, you kept 4 TEs, use them at that 10 to 15 yard distance
  9. The offensive game plan and play calling (total momentum swing In the first half) did this team zero favors How many times did they run on first down ? …that, in no way helps young going after Chark who has a history of injuries did this team no favors either Then, the king of injuries, Horn, yet another non contact injury as for the fans, yet another buzz kill to start the year say what you will about them, but they get the misery out of the way early..and often. note to Reich, don’t lose at home. Don’t poo where you eat. Find a way to not look like a jv team on national tv
  10. Chark has had injuries his whole career the panthers GM might have considered this
  11. Losing is one thing giving up inthe 4th qtr is another constantly not throwing on first another you don’t help a rookie by running first down constantly
  12. If. You do not get how the offensive play calling and execution killed this game in the first half I do not know what to tell you Not throwing on first down didn’t help anyone offense if they were going to be 3 yards and a cloud of dust, they should have kept Wilks rolling over on the last possession… Jesus
  13. This game was lost by the offensive game plan Frank, it’s not the 90s anymore it’s ok to throw on first down It’s ok to actually do trips right and throw to one of them
  14. Panthers aren’t the only team in the nfl plenty of great teams very happy with this version of Sunday ticket
  15. Frank. You can throw in first down do your rookie a favor
  16. 4 roses. Knob creek. Makers but on this occasion, Jim beam fire ..at 1128 on the west coast
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