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  • Birthday 05/06/1989

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  1. Lol the summer league... Panthers haven't even played a preseason game yet, so seems unfair to compare.
  2. Bro the 49ers are ridiculous
  3. Panthers seem to do the best when fan morale is at its lowest... but I've said that for the last 9 years lol But I do think we will be better than we were last year. Would be hard to be any worse.
  4. It blows my mind the Dolphins haven't won a playoff game since 2000 Raiders and Commanders kinda make sense because you know how bad their ownership was for so long. But how haven't the Dolphins just lucked into a playoff win by now? I mean think about how rough it has been these last 9 years for us. And that still doesn't come close to the length of time it has been since Dolphins last playoff win.
  5. Increasing punishment only deters crime to a point. The vast majority of people who drink and drive are doing it with the expectation that they won't be caught (and 95% of the time, they are right, which is why they keep doing it; they don't consider the possibility of something bad happening and facing punishment). Making the punishment more severe isn't going to change that, especially when this decision is made by those who aren't thinking clearly to begin with. If cutting down on drinking and driving is the goal, then the solution isn't making the punishment more severe, but by making alcohol less accessible. But that will never happen.
  6. I appreciate the bluntness. Something we have lacked from our HCs over the years.
  7. It just dawned on me that Ian Thomas is the 3rd longest tenured player on offense/defense, only behind Taylor Moton and Shaq Thompson (4th if you include special teams' JJ Jansen).
  8. The traditionalist in me hates all these active player and coaches podcasts.
  9. Panthers aren't in a great spot, but plenty of examples in teams in spots similar to us turning it around within 2-3 years. All it takes is one. Hell, look at all the takes about the Texans 2 years ago. Yeah they got CJ Stroud, but who knows what is in store for the Panthers? Maybe we get our CJ Stroud in 2025 or 2026. You just never know. I don't think you can call a 2-3 year turnaround unrealistic though.
  10. The biggest problem with the Panthers roster is the lack of top-end players. Derrick Brown is probably the only guy on the roster who would be top 10 at their position. Maybe Moton would be too, but I'm not going to lie and pretend like I'm familiar with all the right tackles in the NFL. Jaycee Horn could be a top 10 CB... if he stayed healthy. Otherwise, yeah, I agree that this roster is more talented than people think. We've got a bunch of good, quality players and young guys with upside. I think our depth is stronger than it was last year. However those top-end players who can win you a possession are what makes the difference in most games. This is why we need one of our recent high-draft picks to step up and be that player, whether it is Bryce, Legette, Ikem, Sanders, Brooks, Mingo, etc. This is why I'm generally not a fan of trading good players away. Replacing them is not nearly as easy as it seems on paper, although I do think we did a good job bringing in multiple players on the DL to help with the loss of Burns. You need to keep your best players. Say what you want about Hurney, yeah he did overpay a lot... but at least he kept them.
  11. When did I accuse you of making Bryce Young threads? I said you make a lot of posts talking about how bad Bryce Young is in almost every thread that you post in, regardless of what the thread was about (such as this one). This is rich coming from the person who spent the last year complaining about "Bryce fanboys." Now he's giving advice about how to deal with stuff you don't want to read.
  12. Excited if this is how his usage plays out on game-day. While there are questions about his ability as a receiver to run routes and get open consistently, I don't question his athleticism or physicality. He could play that Deebo role for us while he develops at receiver.
  13. Nobody is asking you to root for him. We (or at least I am) are asking you to stop derailing every single thread by bringing up Bryce Young. And you do this constantly. And this isn't me saying that we shouldn't have negative takes about Bryce on this forum, so before you accuse of me of trying to eliminate negative posts about Bryce, that isn't the case at all. However, to me, it is weird to come into a thread that was about highlighting our offseason/OTAs, and unprompted, you go into bashing Bryce Young. There are at least 5 other threads on the first page alone where you could have trashed Bryce. And you know this, because you have in all of them threads. You're a smart guy from what I can tell but your disdain for Bryce has become obnoxious, even if you are right about him. If a Bryce fan bombarded every single thread to talk about how good they felt he was, you wouldn't like it. I know this because anytime this discussion happens you bring up "Bryce fanboys," when in fact everything you accuse them of doing? You do the same thing except from the opposite side.
  14. If I'm being honest, he had me fooled big time. I thought he was going to be the one and didn't understand why we drafted Clausen (which was still a bad move, but only because he sucked). With that said, the coaching staff and front office/owner failed that team big time. It makes no sense that a team with the talent that we had finished 2-14. Matt Moore might not have been a franchise QB but he was a lot better than he showed in 2010.
  15. I think this has to be #1. I kinda get why some are saying 2010, but I disagree. A lot of people were optimistic about Matt Moore. And while yes, we didn't do anything to get better that offseason due to the lockout looming, it wasn't a bad team. Or so we thought anyway. We had one of the best defenses in 2009 and were returning all of our best players (both on offense and defense) outside of Peppers. And if you combined both rosters, which player from the 2024 team would make the top 10? Derrick Brown but that is probably it. I'd say 2024 and 2022 have been the 2 worst. A new coaching staff is the only reason to be excited about this upcoming season.
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