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Everything posted by jayboogieman

  1. State is almost ice cold right now.
  2. 3 and D role player because the NBA loves a guy that can shoot the 3
  3. State has gone cold and Davis has gotten hot
  4. That's not something I thought would happen
  5. UNC is fighting their way back into it
  6. The 3 is falling for State and Carolina doesn't have an answer so far
  7. Burns fouling out might be Bacot's only option against him.
  8. Yep. State played an OT game last night too. They have to be tired. UNC might be able to just run them into the ground by playing fast in the first half.
  9. A year after a much better TE class. That's the Panthers though. Always a day late and dollar short...
  10. State needs to do their part and get to the finals so we can have a third game between the NC schools this year.
  11. He's doing his part by going to a crappy Hornets game. TD always went to those games, maybe Brown will take his place/join him.
  12. Pitt is trying to make it interesting
  13. This one is over and UNC has it in the bag
  14. I'd rather see the guys play 3-4 years of college too, but it doesn't work that way for the big name players anymore. They want to be in the NBA and getting paid.
  15. I've said it before and will say it again, Bacot is a really good college player, but he's not a modern NBA big.
  16. Bad offensive and defensive positions by Pitt
  17. Good ball movement to tie the game
  18. If the ACC had wanted the tournament in a bigger city, Charlotte was right down the road so to speak. The downside to Charlotte is that the current arena holds a couple thousand less people than Greensboro.
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