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Everything posted by jayboogieman

  1. Rozier, Hayward, Washington, McDaniels, Vern, and Plumlee are the only ones I would be willing to trade if I'm Mitch. Maybe Kai as well if I'm trading for a center.
  2. Yeah, Bouknight looks like he belongs as did Thor.
  3. Not ready, though he did have a critical lucky putback.
  4. Great performances by the rookies and a really good, needed win.
  5. The call sucks, but his foot was down. It sucks, but that was a case of replay being used correctly.
  6. Kai is in the game and already done more on defense than Vern has
  7. I think I'd rather see Kai make those mistakes on defense instead of Vern. That might just be the new rookie smell talking though.
  8. A better half than I was expecting considering all the missing players.
  9. Look at that. Two fouls called in the favor of the Hornets.
  10. Maybe. He's the best the Hornets have made in a while.
  11. That goes double for these two teams. Eric said that the Hornets and Kings gave up the most points in the league.
  12. I don't know if I would let Thor keep shooting 3s
  13. There might be a very slim chance the Hornets can steal a win then.
  14. Really? I've said Rhule would get at least 3 years, if not 4 before being fired. But if that is the case, show that clown and his staff the door tonight. It's inexcusable for the players to not know what the coaches want from them or why they feel the player would be better at position x instead of position y.
  15. Ok. You still haven't explained how he is overrated or sucks. What do you have to back up your take other than you don't like his name and his team beat UNC?
  16. The Golden Child. That was on the other night.
  17. Joking about names aside, what makes Kenny suck? Why is he overrated? Was it because Pitt beat UNC? Was it the fake slide?
  18. But names like Kerry, Steve, Chris, Rodney, Jake, Vinny, David, Matt, Jimmy, Cam, Derek, Kyle, Taylor, Will, Teddy, PJ, and Sam are ok? Kenny fits right in namewise.
  19. That the start was possible fool's gold since it was against two teams starting rookie QBs for the first time and a team missing key parts because of COVID and that people were going to be highly upset if that proved to be true. My expectations have always been for the team to win 6-9 games and that hasn't changed. That said, as the season has progressed, I've become more and more convinced that Rhule is in over his head and not an NFL caliber coach. For what it's worth, I think Tepper will go down as a bad owner too.
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