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Davidson Deac II

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Everything posted by Davidson Deac II

  1. Its so difficult to judge how a qb on a extremely talented college team will perform in the NFL, but should we hold the fact that Ohio State's receivers get open easier against Stroud?
  2. We might actually be forced to use other assets on offense. While I don't think it will happen, would be ironic if our offense actually improved.
  3. The Cowboys traded Herschel Walker and got three Super Bowl rings.
  4. We are not going to trade everyone, especially those still on their rookie contract. There really isn't a reason to unless someone offers us a ridiculous deal. I mean if someone offered three first round picks for Chinn, yeah. But otherwise, he is a good player who is relatively cheap. No reason to trade him.
  5. Nah, we got rid of Anderson and CMC. Anderson was having issues, and CMC is getting older in running back years. If Burns, or Chinn, or DJ get traded though, you might be right.
  6. CMC will take a salary cut going to SF. Much higher tax rate.
  7. They actually look worse than us. At least we kept the lead against AZ until the third qtr. And Dalton looks worse than Mayfield.
  8. Remember when Greg Dortch was a Panther? I think he lasted about 3 hours. Yet now, he looks a mid level NFL receiver.
  9. I agree, WR is definitely not our second biggest need. We do need to find out what we have in Marshall. I think we need another DE to pair with Burns. Doesn't need to be all world, just a solid DE. If we end up with another first round pick, DE is the route we should go assuming there is a good one available. Regarding Tight Ends, imo it's nearly impossible to judge how good or bad they are given that we are such a terrible team at passing the ball. I would give whomever the new coach is a year or so to make that assessment if it were up to me. We may need another running back, if CMC is traded.
  10. I understand what you are saying, but imo the run game has been working amazingly well when you consider that we have a terrible passing attack, and when we do run, everyone in the stadium knows who will be running it. Teams are putting 8 in the box, and following CMC everywhere he goes. Given those factors, 4.4 yards a carry is very good.
  11. Maybe, but Alabama still has a larger number of five-star recruits than anyone they play. That is why it is so hard to judge how good a quarterback might be when he is in the NFL where the talent level is relatively even. And from what I have read, Alabama's oline is better than it was last year. And that is just as important as the wide receivers. Don't get me wrong, he may be great in the NFL, but it is so hard to judge. If you look at the list of elite NFL quarterbacks, relatively few of them come from the Alabama/Ohio State teams. I do wonder if we might be better off with the fourth or fifth pick in the Draft, let the other teams draft the big name school qb's while we get (hopefully) the next Allen or Mahomes.
  12. Like most quarterbacks at schools like Alabama, Ohio State, and Clemson, he looks great on a team that has significantly more talent than most of the teams they play. Whether that translates into NFL success is anyone's guess.
  13. There isn't a chance in he!! anyone is willing to trade two first round picks for him.
  14. We should draft a QB in round one, but it sucks watching the Cowgals and Eagles as the two best teams in the NFC, and their QBs are a second round pick and a no round pick.
  15. We draft the guy we think is best, the school he plays for is irrelevant.
  16. Going to be a good win for the Bills. Could mean a lot when Jan rolls around.
  17. Ah well, in the end, it went about as expected today.
  18. To each his own. I think House of the Dragon has been ok, but it's basically which blonde character is the least annoying. Nowhere near as good as the first season of Game of Thrones, and not as good as Rings.
  19. Ian Thomas is our leading receiver this half with about 20 yards.
  20. I like it, because its well written, interesting, and I don't care that much about the lore.
  21. No defense is going to have stamina when the offense has been going three and out since the first drive.
  22. Staff should sit CMC for a few snaps. IF we did, the Rams would have no idea what was coming.
  23. If we are talking off the field, we have had several guys do some dumb things. Robbie is definitely making himself persona non grata.
  24. I didn't use the word accidently, you did. He was covering his man, the throw was intended for someone else, it was an errant throw. Right place, right time.
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