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  1. So tired of these soft roughing the passer calls.
  2. I hear you and I can imagine it's frustrating as a fan, but UNC-CH leaving the ACC would be throwing away over a century of history. It would really suck if y'all, or Clemson, or any of the other remaining charter members leave. I still think it sucks that Maryland left as well. Feels so wrong not having that rivalry anymore. Maryland fuging hated us and I loved it. Who's Maryland's rival now in the big 10? Rutgers? lol. Also, I think that the Heels are more likely to be Kentucky 2.0 than you are to get serious about football upon joining the SEC. Both UNC (and also Duke's) administrations seem very stuck in their ways with sticking to their ways and remaining basketball powerhouses. I do wish we could see NC teams actually competing in my favorite sport sometimes but alas. I personally value keeping our history intact over trying to become top flight CFB programs because nowadays it's just a pay to win sport anyways. Even if UNC-CH got serious I doubt they could compete with that Texas oil money, or that Oregon nike money, or that USC rich kid money. That's all top level college football really is anymore. You're either an established blue blood or you're willing to waste tons of money that could be spent on education rather than football.
  3. Meh, fug those greedy TV executives. I'd prefer the ACC to stay together with the NC schools even if it means we all fall behind in a sport that's increasingly coming down to "who has rich boosters willing to waste more money?". I love a good rivalry game, that Duke-Wake rain game last year when Wake sucked and we were on a 3rd stringer was very fun to me even if the quality of the play was lacking. Regional bickering is the essence of college sports. I'd hate to see a day when UNC-CH or any of the other charter member ACC schools are in a different conference.
  4. This is a good point, one that I did not take into account with my previous posts. It is true that with regards to ACC play UNC-CH has been far better, even in the 2014-present timeframe there's a large gap between the two. I never meant to claim that over the past decade or so that the Heels haven't been the better program; I am more fighting back against the notion that we've been horrible. Since 2012 the series is 6-8 in UNC-CH's favor. An advantage, but not that large of one. We were legendarily terrible in the 90s and 00s, weren't even really a power 5 team in anything except name and historical ties. Since hiring Cutcliffe, Duke's program has undergone a substantial transformation and this has been followed by investment as well. But it takes time to go from one of the worst power 5 programs of all time into a winning one. It is mainly this perception of Duke that I believe to be unfair; we aren't that bad of a football program anymore and there have been results that show this improvement. It's been a long time since the 90s and 00s. At this point, that barely matters anymore than who won the ACC in 1963. Timeframes can get semantical and nitpicky. I think regardless of exact spans and all of that, it's pretty clear that the series has been much more competitive recently. Even those games UNC-CH won in 2019, 2022 and 2023 were all very competitive and came down to a few plays. It's not like y'all have just been steamrolling us. Perhaps I misinterpreted you earlier, I agree that making an ACC title run every so often with a Maye or Howell is a reasonable goal. But a great QB doesn't mean you have a great roster, player development seems to be where the Heels have struggled in recent times.
  5. Went back and calculated for you since I knew you'd probably reply with something along these lines. From what I can see, the comparison is fairly equal. Since the 2014 season, Duke has an overall record of 68-62 (.523) while UNC-CH has a record of 71-62 (.533). In that timeframe, UNC-CH has appeared in 8 bowl games with a record of 1-7 in those games. Duke has been to 6 and has a record of 5-1 in those games. While UNC has more bowl appearances, their futility in them can't be overlooked. From most objective measures UNC-CH and Duke have been pretty equal programs over the past decade. There is one caveat, that being that UNC has 2 ACCG appearances to Duke's 0, however Duke's latest ACCG appearance was in 2013 which misses the 10 year timeframe by 1 year. So I guess you could say UNC-CH has been slightly better, but if so it's not by a very noticeable margin. That clearly wasn't the intent of bringing up the fact that Duke has won an ACC title more recently. This was to provide evidence to the notion that "UNC is competing for ACC titles every year" seems a bit silly when you haven't won one in 44 years nor do you appear in them all that frequently. I mean, you really think a team that is mainly being elevated by a star QB would have a chance against Bama or Clemson that has 5 stars and top flight coaching all over the roster? There's a reason UNC-CH barely broke into the top 10 when they had a record of 6-0 in 2023. Same story in 2022. Everyone knew it, including the pollsters. Except y'all, apparently. Of course, I never argued otherwise. Having an entire season hinge around a rivalry game is pretty pathetic, you won't find any argument from me here. Huh? A post ago, you were just saying that nothing before 2005 counted. So which is it? It seems like your timeframes are jumping around. Yeah, our record in the 90s and 00s was pretty awful. Against everyone, not just y'all. Don't think any Duke fan would argue the Ted Roof days were a golden age.
  6. I'm not sure I'm understanding why you'd arbitrarily cut off ACC titles before 2005 even though they are identical in weight. It's not like a meaningless game makes them any less valuable, especially since that game is usually just a blowout anyways. But even working off of this metric, you disingenuously make UNC-CH sound like it's some powerhouse that goes to the ACC title game on a regular basis. UNC-CH has 2 total appearances since 2005, a whopping one more than Duke and tied with Wake (whom actually won one of theirs). The inclusion of State there is sure doing some heavy lifting. I mean, hanging your hat on two players is a bit strange, no? Everyone knows those teams were largely carried by those QBs. And two of those wins over Duke were giftwrapped by the refs, especially that joke in 2023. Two more were the result of the fallout from Cutt staying on for longer than he should've. The only reason UNC-CH football is in a state as good as it's in is because y'all live off your brand. Fans expecting a program that hasn't won an ACC title in 44 years to be focused on winning them every year is a huge reach no matter how you slice it. If UNC-CH fans sincerely think this way, then I can only conclude that Tarheel football fans are rather delusional.
  7. I take my earlier bitching back! Lets go Devils!
  8. Commentators hyping up Carolina's defense when in reality it's just a completely dysfunctional offense floundering against a bad defense. If this is how Mannyball is gonna look across the rest of the ACC schedule I dunno if I'll be able to bear it.
  9. And that's game, GGs. Still can't believe administration hired Manny Diaz. Sends a somber message about how administration views the football program.
  10. This Duke offense is so fuging pathetic, jesus christ. Embarassing. 20 minutes of game time against an actual opponent and I already can't stand Mannyball.
  11. Commercials slaughter my will to watch full games anymore. I never see them outside of sports events, and it's so irritating to have to switch focus every few minutes. I wish they'd have longer but fewer breaks so I could watch something else during that time. The constant interruptions are the worst. As a result, most sport events get the side eye treatment from me nowadays. And I never watch games that don't involve my teams either. Watching as a neutral fan is unbearable with all the commercials.
  12. NFL gonna have to investigate the Raiders for tanking after this
  13. 100% agreed with those first two sentences. Duke is the exact same right now to my eyes. Even against MTSU today, third play of the game was a 67 yard rushing touchdown where the back was untouched the entire way. Just absolutely gashed. Duke was playing one of the worst teams in FBS. The score looks good and all, but my eyes just aren't buying it. The good start probably means that a 6 win season and bowl game isn't off the table, but ACC play is going to be a LOT tougher. With that being said, if Malik stays and develops some, next year could be pretty promising. Just depends on Diaz and if his defense is as good as advertised.
  14. We've only played cupcakes (outside of NW, which took double OT to win) and almost blew a 3 score lead against one of said cupcakes. I wouldn't be hyping this team yet. Malik is incredibly raw and a more inconsistent thrower than Riley was (which is saying a lot since Riley himself was pretty inconsistent) and I remain completely unsold on the Diaz hire given how much of a trainwreck he was at Miami.
  15. Unfortunately this will never happen. Tepper's their boy. The NFL handpicked him to run our franchise into the ground after Richardson was forced out. He will never sell because no matter how bad an NFL team is, it will profit. Despite how badly Snyder fuged Washington up he only ended up being forced to sell because he crossed the wrong people. All of those fan protests over the years demanding that he sell did nothing. The borderline human trafficking of his cheerleaders & all of the other fuged up poo also did nothing because he was a member of the boys club. The more realistic option is him, sadly, moving the team. But even that is fairly unrealistic since there aren't really any better vacant markets for him to move to outside of the Carolinas. If he did move then I'd think we'd get a team fairly quickly but who knows given how long it's been since the league last expanded.
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